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Calciopoli & Scommessopoli In English

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Joined: 29-Oct-2007
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Both letters are correct however now it is about time that from just words we go to facts. If it's a general boycott tht will make the figc fools listen than this boycott has to be done forthwith. We have lost enough points already due to "errors" committed by referees that it is now nearly impossible for Juventus to challenge for the scudetto. Some action needs to be done and this action should not just be words but real action in an international scale.

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Joined: 24-Feb-2008
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Guys i made a survey about Calciopoli, hope you would take it.. and let's see what everyone is thinking... Click Here

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Guest Luigi Daniele
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Guys i made a survey about Calciopoli, hope you would take it.. and let's see what everyone is thinking... Click Here

Done. Welcome to J1897, amico mio!

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Joined: 12-Dec-2007
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Wow. thats some mad news..

I always thought something wasnt right with gigli. Pulling an inside job or something. Wasting the money, not fighting for what is right. This money hungry managment of juve is starting to piss me off. Its plain evident. And now you see Moggis name in the papers more and more often moaning about the managment aswell.. Put 2 and 2 together. He only wants whats best for Juve.

Im pretty sure he knows something dodgy is going on.. Not much he can do..

Cant beleive a mass boycott... thats crazy.. what needs to be done needs to be done I guess.

Do you recomend not travelling to italy from england for the napoli game then? ;)

At least then i can cancell my flights. let us know chief.. Nice one

Nice letter anyway GSOL, dya think it will work?

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Joined: 10-Oct-2007
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I guess! :huh:

a) Support the team...just don't watch games on enemy TV stations or use Telecom payphones etc. It's not an attendance boycott. That would only target Juventus. Not the right objective.

b) thanks but I didn't write the letters. I translated them for the English speakers. It was the Ultras at VS that wrote it.

Lastly, GEA trial update.

It is laughable. Moggi and company have been accused of blackmailin shitty players (like Fresi) to accept transfers to other teams. One by one testimonials have been heard thrughout March confirming that it is all bullshit. It is becoming obvious that all will be absolved. Among the bringers of truth was our very own David Trezeguet who testified defending Luciano Moggi.

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Disturbing revelation?

Last week La Stampa published an online article which went into detail regarding the interrogations of former Telecom Managers and specifically that of Giuliano Tavarolli which came from the Milanese Prosecutors.

The article was online for a few hours and then mysteriously disappeared. Why? I have an idea why.

The article was saved by a few hardcore Juventus fans and I obtained a copy. After reading through it I read much of what we already knew (i.e. Telecom was spying illegally and manipulating wires).

The new aspect from Tavarolli?s confession is a shock however. We all thought that Moratti and Tronchetti were authorizing the activities (as per Moratti?s admission in interviews). Tavarolli painted a much more detailed picture.

Prior to the wires being sent to police in order to be authorized for court (two police officers with criminal records regarding evidence tampering by the way Arcangioli/Auricchio), Moratti and Tronchetti would themselves be intimately involved in the manipulation. They would decide what to eliminate, and what to present to the courts for instance.

You can see why the article went missing. None the less copies can be found in various forums.

Here it is in Italian:

?Ipotesi di violazione dell?articolo 1 del codice di giustizia

sportiva?, con questa intestazione questa mattina un fascicolo sar?

aperto dall?Ufficio indagini della Federcalcio sulla vicenda Inter-De

Santis-Vieri. I fatti. Nel 2002 l?arbitro Nucini ha un colloquio con

Facchetti e gli racconta di alcuni strani rapporti tra Moggi,

l?arbitro De Santis e i dirigenti sportivi Fabiani e Pavarese.

Facchetti chiede a Nucini di riferire i fatti alla Procura di Milano

(visto che lo stesso aveva perplessit? a rivolgersi alla giustizia

sportiva), ma non fu fatto nulla. Allora l?Inter si rivolse alla Polis

d?Istinto, l?agenzia investigativa di Emanuele Cipriani (legato al

responsabile del Cnag della Telecom, Giuliano Tavaroli) per far

pedinare De Santis. Da quel momento fu aperto un dossier dal

significativo nome in codice: operazione ladroni. Sarebbero, per?,

anche stati intercettati i telefoni di De Santis e della moglie. Gli

stessi furono anche seguiti, fotografati, furono fatte indagini

patrimoniali e sui conti correnti. Alla fine il dossier si chiude

dicendo che ?non furono trovate anomalie nel tenore di vita del

soggetto?. Contemporaneamente furono intercettate le telefonate di

Bobo Vieri e l?attaccante fu anche pedinato, ma soltanto nell?ambito

di un ?controllo? della societ? sul calciatore. A seguito del decreto

legge del Governo sulle intercettazioni illegali, ? tornata

d?attualit? la vicenda. Perch? fu commissionata una inchiesta da parte

di un?agenzia investigativa e non fu fatto n? un esposto alla

magistratura, n? una denuncia all?Ufficio indagini? Il voluminoso

materiale raccolto sull?arbitro, oltre che valutare il suo tenore di

vita, a cosa mirava? E le foto? L?argomento interessa, intanto, anche

la Procura di Napoli che nel 2004 proprio a Tavaroli si rivolse per

comunicare le intercettazioni delle utenze di Moggi, Bergamo,

Pairetto. S? proprio a Tavaroli che era a capo del Cnag, il centro

nazionale autorizzazioni giudiziarie della Telecom, che quindi venne a

conoscenza dell?indagine che i magistrati Beatrice e Narducci stavano

conducendo proprio sulle stesse persone. Una coincidenza, chiaramente,

ma che alla luce degli ultimi sviluppi diventa inquietante: Tavaroli

ha detto ai pm che lui riferiva tutto a Carlo Buora, amministratore

delegato Telecom e vice presidente dell?Inter. Tutti sanno che in

realt? Buora non muoveva un passo senza il nulla-osta di Tronchetti

Provera. E? fin troppo facile chiudere il cerchio. L?Inter ? nei guai.

Guai seri. Tutti hanno capito che le intercettazioni sono state

filtrate e fornite al bacio alla Procura di Napoli dalla lobby Telecom

di Tronchetti & C. attraverso Tavaroli. Eccoci allo scoop dell?ultima

ora: inizialmente, tutti avevano ravvisato, senza dar troppo peso alla

cosa in quel momento, che le intercettazioni erano state manipolate e

interpretate prima di giungere nelle mani dei magistrati partenopei.

Ufficialmente si pensava che fossero stati i Carabinieri di Roma ad

aver interpolato con spiegazioni non dovute le sbobinature (azione che

peraltro non ? loro consentita). In realt? il lavoro di indirizzo era

avvenuto ben prima e pi? in alto. Si parla proprio in quest?ottica del

coinvolgimento diretto di Moratti e Tronchetti Provera. A questo

riguardo Tavaroli adesso sta tentando di fare da parafulmine per

salvare le posizioni dei due e soprattutto per tutelare il proprio

tesoretto nascosto e, probabilmente, da loro garantito. Alla Procura

di Milano, per?, hanno gi? capito dove e cosa cercare e non ? esclusa

in futuro una collaborazione di Tavaroli per alleggerire la propria

difficilissima posizione giudiziaria. Insomma tutte le intercettazioni

al centro di Calciopoli sono state confezionate su misura per

abbattere dei bersagli precisi: persone e societ? considerate nemiche.

La giostra gira ancora?


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Joined: 12-Dec-2007
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ghgh.forza .forza .forza.dridri:vino::rosicone: YOURE GOIN DOWN!! .dance :signs71:

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Joined: 12-Dec-2007
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If this aint enough to take the scumbag down and redeem our 2 titles, I dont know what is!!

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Joined: 10-Oct-2007
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If this aint enough to take the scumbag down and redeem our 2 titles, I dont know what is!!

Guido Rossi has just been named FIAT's consultant...more confirmation of the Inside Job.

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Yesterday we received the results of the TAR Regional Court regarding Moggi?s appeal.

The court rejected the appeal and maintained Moggi?s 5 year ban from Italian football. I have and can provide the rejection publication.

Obviously now all the retards who have something to say against us will be adding a new argument to their dwindling arsenal of urban legends and that disgusts me but there are a few things to clear up.

Luciano Moggi was not found guilty and no new evidence was presented that could discredit what he and his defenders have been saying for the last two years. His appeal was rejected and the brief explanations are just as absurd as the rest of the farce.

Here's what the court stated;

The season was legitimate, the games were not fixed, no bribery or threatening occurred BUT Luciano Moggi used his influence to condition referees psychologically and condition the designers psychologically in order to obtaining favorable referees.


This is the same court (TAR) that absolved all the referees, and all the referee designers so far. It is the same court that has admitted that no game was altered and that no referee selection process was ever tampered with.

So what exactly did Moggi do and with who?

This psychological conditioning bullshit is just a way to isolate Moggi and save all the others. With this new excuse we no longer need proof of a payment, or a call with an actual threat etc. etc. All we need is fancy wording and a winning season.

There were no calls between Moggi and referees (except when Paparesta called him got trashed and hung up on in about 9 seconds). All the referees admitted they never spoke with him. Moggi was in no decision making position like say Galliani or Carraro (then) or Moratti (now) so where the hell was the psychological conditioning? What could he use to condition referees?

We got our answer...this is depressing.

The rejection states that Moggi managed to psychologically convince the referees (without speaking to them) to favor Juventus apparently without them acknowledging that they were doing it since the same court absolved them of any wrong doing and confirmed that they did not communicate with Moggi. In other words, Luciano Moggi must be a Buddhist monk who practices telepathy and is simultaneously and expert in hypnosis as he managed to fix referees without saying a word and without the referees noticing that they were under his influence.

How can something so absurd occur in a civil court?

Here you go:

Pasquale de Lise

Pasquale de Lise is the president of the TAR Regional Court and simultaneously the President of FIGC's Commission of Sports Justice.

When Luciano appealed he appealed as Luciano Moggi vs. FIGC and more specifically the FIGC's Sports Justice departments (CAF and CF). Essentially the very entity that employs the president of the Court he was appealing to (de Lise).

Conflict of interest? Are we surprised?

Don?t be fooled however because it's not his last appeal. He can go to the State Council and then to the European Court. In actual fact the TAR Court is merely a stepping stone on the way to the Supreme Federal Courts.

Our Association (Giu Le Mani Dalla Juve) released a statement today claiming that we will begin our appeal on Juventus? behalf (which can result in our scudetti being rightfully returned) on May 15th 2008 in the same TAR Regional Court. Though we are fairly certain that the appeal will be unsuccessful, it will serve as a platform to go to the State Council and more importantly the European Court where our lawyer (Luc Mission of the Bosman case) is already preparing the preliminaries. Furthermore the Association is prepared to take the appeal to the Human Rights Court also under the European Umbrella.

We are Juventini...we don?t stop for shit!

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Joined: 19-Jul-2006
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Guido Rossi has just been named FIAT's consultant...more confirmation of the Inside Job.

we had the confirmation since they decided to retire from going to the T.A.R.

wow... hes the last person i thought would be involved with fiat..

personally, I don't think that is forgivable or forgettable .bah

We are Juventini...we don’t stop for shit

some gave already up :(

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Joined: 12-Dec-2007
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personally, I don't think that is forgivable or forgettable .bah

SORRY! .smac I didnt think it was the most obvious of things really.

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Here are the results of the Calciopoli Survey, apparently not a lot were interested, :(

Did you follow calciopoli?

Day by day. 14 51.85%

Whenever i had the chance. 7 25.93%

Whenever i remembered. 0 0.00%

Just when there was something in the news. 3 11.11%

Occasionaly. 2 7.41%

No, they just told me one day that Juventus is playing in Serie B. 1 3.70%

Do you believe that calciopoli was a set up to bring juventus down?

Yes 23 85.19%

No 3 11.11%

Maybe 1 3.70%

I don't know 0 0.00%

Do you believe that Inter deserved the 2005/2006 Scudetto?

Yes, Inter deserved the Scudetto of 2005/2006 2 7.41%

Yes, Inter deserved the Scudetto of 2005/2006, and also they should have gave Inter another Scudetto 0 0.00%

No, Juventus won that Scudetto in the field 19 70.37%

No, if Juventus cheated, why should Inter get the Scudetto? 6 22.22%

Luciano Moggi is:

The best manager in the past years in Serie A. 16 59.26%

A thief that brought Juventus down. 0 0.00%

Was a dirty manager, and they collect enough evidences to sack him. 3 11.11%

Didn't do anything unusual, but they collected evidences to get rid of him. 8 29.63%

Juventus regelation to Serie B was:

Totally deserved, they fixed games. 3 11.11%

A bit harsh, they could have treated them like AC Milan, and keep them in Serie A with penalties. 3 11.11%

Totally unfair, if Moggi was mistaken, why should they judge Juventus? 4 14.81%

Totally unaifr, neither Moggi or Juventus were mistaken, this whole thing is a play. 17 62.96%

Do you believe Inter had anything to do with Calciopoli?

No, Inter is the most decent club in italy. 1 3.70%

No, why would they? 0 0.00%

Maybe 3 11.11%

Yes, Inter sure helped, cause they were the only club who benifited from Calciopoli. 9 33.33%

Of course, the whole calciopoli was made by Inter. 14 51.85%

Do you believe the connections between Massimo Moratti and TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile) had anything to do with Calciopoli?

No, Moratti is a good man. 0 0.00%

I don't think so 2 7.41%

Yes, he probably helped. 4 14.81%

Of course, TIM provided Moratti with the calls which they built the case on. 21 77.78%

Do you believe Juventus fixed games?

Yes 2 7.41%

Maybe 1 3.70%

Maybe some games, but still they had a great team, the could have won without fixing. 7 25.93%

No, juventus won his games cause of the great players and didn't need to fix any games. 17 62.96%

Do you believe calciopoli was fair?

Yes, totally fair. 0 0.00%

Yes, to some point. 4 14.81%

No, they never had an evidence against Juventus. 14 51.85%

Who cares about calciopoli, it's all a set up. 9 33.33%

Now, you think Juventus is:

The biggest & best club in Italy. 21 77.78%

Just another big club in Italy but not special. 6 22.22%

Not even a big club, just like any other club. 0 0.00%

They are cheaters, who cares about them. 0 0.00%

Which club do you support?

Juventus 23 85.19%

Intermilan 1 3.70%

AC Milan 1 3.70%

Other 2 7.41%

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Joined: 12-Dec-2007
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u supportu a mammata

i beg your pardon?

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Any more news on farsopoli?

Its been a while since I last read any news.

GSOL, tell me what the deal is.

nice one geeza.

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Juve To Escape 'Calciopoli II' With Fine

Juventus are facing the possibility of a fine after 16 people, including former Juve director Luciano Moggi, were brought before trial in what has been dubbed Calciopoli II.

It was revealed shortly before World Cup 2006 that Moggi had supplied referees and club officials with SIM cards for mobile telephones.

Moggi and 15 others, including Juve and Messina personnel and several referees, are being prosecuted by magistrate Stefano Palazzi on suspicion of breaking article one of the Italian code for sporting justice.

The article in question pertains to the codes of correctness and loyalty within organised sport in Italy.

The Italian press report that the Bianconeri will only receive a fine, having already been heavily punished in the original Calciopoli scandal when they were infamously relegated to Serie B and stripped of two Scudetto titles.

Messina are unlikely to escape as lightly, however, as their president Pietro Franza has been charged with objective and direct responsibility.

?I have clarified everything,? rebutted Franza. ?I am calm and remain at the disposition of sporting justice.?

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Cobolli Gigli: Juve Already Paid For Calciopoli

Juventus president Giovanni Cobolli Gigli denied the possibility that his club could be punished severely again due to what many are already calling 'Calciopoli II'.

On Thursday it was announced that the most that the Bianconeri could suffer due to their implications in 'Calciopoli II' is a fine, since they cannot be punished again for the same crime according to law.

This was confirmed by Cobolli Gigli, who now wants to concentrate solely on the sporting side of the Old Lady.

"I have the highest respect for the investigation office and for the federal justice members, but we are convinced that we have already paid a high price," declared the Juve president.

"It's not the time to keep on paying, but instead that of concentrating on the sport," he added.

"If it will be necessary, we shall defend ourselves in the right moment and the right places," concluded Cobolli Gigli.

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Lippi: I Know Nothing About Calciopoli

Former Juventus coach Marcello Lippi says that he knows nothing about the Old Lady's alleged role in the Calciopoli crisis.

The Bianconeri were relegated to Serie B, and had their two Scudetti from 2005 and 2006 revoked following their supposed role in the scandal.

Bianconeri fans and other figures have always maintained that Calciopoli was just a conspiracy involving Inter President Massimo Moratti, as well as former Telecom Italia President Tronchetti Provera and ex FIGC President Guido Rossi.

Now, former Juventus boss Marcello Lippi says that he knows nothing about what the Bianconeri supposedly did during the years 2004 and 2006.

?It would make me happy if Moggi would call me and explain what truly happened in the last two years, because I don?t know," stated the legendary boss, who led Juve to every major honour in the club game during his two spells in charge.

Lippi?s comments are interestingly timed as Moggi and 15 other people were called before court yesterday, in what has become known as Calciopoli II.

The individuals were there to answer charges that they broke article one of the Italian code for sporting justice.

Article one seeks to guarantee correctness and loyalty in the world of sport, and it relates to accusations that Moggi had illegally supplied some referees and club directors with mobile phone SIM cards.

If found guilty by the court, Juventus could risk a heavy fine.

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Juve To Snub Calciopoli

& Sew On Third Star?

According to reports in Italy, Juventus could be set to snub the legality of Calciopoli by sewing a third star on their shirts when they win their next Scudetto.

The Bianconeri have won 29 Scudetti on the field during their history, but they had two championships revoked following their alleged role in the Calciopoli scandal in 2006.

At present the Italian league only recognises Juve to have won 27 Scudetti, however managing director Jean-Claude Blanc earlier this week offered scant regard to this.

"The number of Scudetti won by Juve is 29,? Blanc told La7.

?And soon we will have a third star on our shirts."

It has since been revealed that there is nothing in the Calcio rulebook that prevents Juve from legally sewing a third star on their shirts when they next win the Scudetto.

Each star is used to represent 10 Scudetti, and one more championship would take the Bianconeri on to 30 without taking into account the two that have been stripped.

"A team may put however many stars on their jersey, there is no regulation defining the issue and the League does not impose this argument," explained Fabio Santoro, Deputy Secretary of the Lega Calcio.

"We say that it is an ethical issue. If Juventus wanted to put the third star when they win their next championship it would be their choice, and certainly would not be a violation of the rules.

?The only thing that should be remembered, however, is that with regard to the roll of honours officially recognised by the Lega Calcio the Bianconeri have won 27 and not 29.?

Juventus fans have always maintained that Calciopoli was just a conspiracy, and the club may use this opportunity to show how they do not recognise the legality of the penalties imposed following the scandal.

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Guest Luigi Daniele
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Ok. This is it. If this dirigenza does this, they will become my favorite dirigenza ever. They will have show co*****i the side of basketballs. @@



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I really can't wait for the day Juve is cleared of all wrong doing, so we can all collectively hold out middle fingers up high to all the haters and watch Moratti go to jail.

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Chiellini On Calciopoli:

I Received No Pressure From Moggi

Giorgio Chiellini has given evidence in the case against former Juventus director Luciano Moggi and the GEA World Agency, and says he never received any pressure to be a client of the company.

Chiellini is one of many key witnesses in a trial of six men, including Moggi, accused of conspiring to control transfers by intimidating players into signing for the GEA sports management firm.

"I never suffered pressure to be represented by Gea,? testified Chiellini.

?The fact that my agent is Davide Lippi [son of Marcello] proves that I made the right choice."

Earlier this month former Juventus striker Fabrizio Miccoli claimed that Moggi had marginalised him at the club because he did not take the transfer guru?s son, Alessandro, as his agent.

Other key witnesses who have been called to give evidence in this trial, include England manager Fabio Capello, who was boss of Juve from 2004 to 2006, as well as his now right-hand man Franco Baldini.

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