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Paparesta Denies Receiving SIM Cards From Moggi

Referee Gianluca Paparesta, who was involved in the Calciopoli scandal, has rebuffed the reports in the Italian media that he admitted receiving SIM cards from former Juventus General Director Luciano Moggi.

A shroud of mystery now surrounds the deposition made by Paparesta yesterday during the interrogation by the prosecuting attorneys of Naples, Beatrice and Narducci.

Apparently, the referee had originally admitted to them that he, and other referees, were offered SIM Cards by Moggi and Luciano Fabiani, but later on in the day, after the news had been reported throughout all media, he made a statement to Ansa, declaring that this is all false.

"I never received SIM Cards by Moggi. It's false that I confessed such a thing," declared Paparesta.

However, it is rumoured that Paparesta did admit that Moggi was always present during the yearly referee meetings, even though it is yet unclear what transpired following his latest statement.

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hahaha, how interesting! I wonder why he has denied this..

Is it because of those arrests made the other day?

maybe he has done it because he knows that in the long run he will end up looking like a fool as he can see this is coming to an end.. (i hope)

(sorry if i seem too excited over this/nothing, my father thinks moratti and inter are too powerfull and will always find a way out!!) :rosicone: :rosicone: :rosicone: :rosicone:

And mancini is going, (mourinho has been interviewed anyway...) why do you think this is?

he has not lost a game, but does not look after his players very well! I remember once moggi saying that he (moggi) would be "the one answering all the questions" previous to the calciopoli scam... how would mancini know this?? maybe this is why?

your thoughts please?..

nice one


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Hello all,

Hope gsol is still finding out how things are developing. Have you read the recent articles of what the papers are calling "calciopoli 2". I can understand some Italian but I'm not fluent. Maybe someone can inform us of what's really going on. I mean after the world club final that Milan won, Berlusconi described claciopoli as a montatura. What did he realy ment? Then their was Moratti speaking about Vieri and the espionage case. What is really happening?

Take care and all the best for this festive season.


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Guest Luigi Daniele
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Hello all,

Hope gsol is still finding out how things are developing. Have you read the recent articles of what the papers are calling "calciopoli 2". I can understand some Italian but I'm not fluent. Maybe someone can inform us of what's really going on. I mean after the world club final that Milan won, Berlusconi described claciopoli as a montatura. What did he realy ment? Then their was Moratti speaking about Vieri and the espionage case. What is really happening?

Take care and all the best for this festive season.


He means that it was all a sham, as we already knew. Good for him to say it in public, though.

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The following is said to have been stated by Blatter:

Il presidente della Fifa Joseph Blatter ha rivelato all'Ansa un particolare inedito su Calciopoli: "Credo sia ora passato abbastanza tempo per poterne parlare, quando scoppi? lo scandalo, nel 2006, Luca di Montezemolo svolse un importantissimo ruolo di moderatore. E' in gran parte merito suo se la Juventus non si rivolse ai tribunali ordinari dopo le sanzioni conseguenti allo scandalo".

What do you think about the above? Does Montezemolo really want Juventus to be freed from any calciopoli accusations or is their something else between the lines.

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GSOL YOUrE A BAD MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sciarpata:


That news is what ive been waiting for since it happened, started going mental jumpin round the room when i read it!

to be honest im having slight trouble understanding it. I speak italian but not fluently, and you know what italian news papers are like... guess im gonna have to suffer a little...

where do you get all this inside info from?

i asked your position, meanin job/profession(hope im not being nosey)..

Im quite aware we were set up (not to sound cocky or anythin).. also read that article you wrote about the sim cards... How can they fabricate such lies?? WHAT A JOKE!!!

I found a shocking article actually:

Its probably nothing you havent read but its just proof that this shit is still being spread for no reason, making juventus' name even worse

Anyway,I hope this is the start of things to come, Its time the truth came out and the people stop being fed lies!!!. people everwhere really beleive that juventus are the cheats!!

I have countless arguments with people trying to tell them whos right.. I guess soon theyll see!!

Oh yeah, I promoted that article on like a bitch, you should be glad!! hehe



I?m actually an accountant but all that comes second. I?m a Juve fan first and foremost and will never stop defending them.

I find these articles because I am relentless. I share them because I like to think there are people out there that bleed black and white just like me.

Thanks a lot for the support.

As for that's nothing to worry about. Just another series of distractions. After reading through the intercepts I noticed that none of them amounted to shit. Moggi was speaking to friends about his appeals and the call to Secco was a friendly discussion about Nocerino where Moggi says "I'd keep Nocerino, sending him to Fiorentina's no good". He on no way gave orders or made purchases or sales for Juventus.

The papers just want to divert our attention from the bomb that landed last week when Matarrese announced that the Civil Courts were finally getting involved.

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And mancini is going, (mourinho has been interviewed anyway...) why do you think this is?

he has not lost a game, but does not look after his players very well! I remember once moggi saying that he (moggi) would be "the one answering all the questions" previous to the calciopoli scam... how would mancini know this?? maybe this is why?

your thoughts please?..


Mancini was even quoted telling his players that they would win the scudetto anyway. He knew all along and if he's fired from Inter (I doubt that will happen) maybe he will spill his guts.

Yes Inter is powerful with the FIGC but the Civil Courts in Italy and the Commerce Cour of Europe won't be so easy to buy.

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Hello all,

Hope gsol is still finding out how things are developing. Have you read the recent articles of what the papers are calling "calciopoli 2". I can understand some Italian but I'm not fluent. Maybe someone can inform us of what's really going on. I mean after the world club final that Milan won, Berlusconi described claciopoli as a montatura. What did he realy ment? Then their was Moratti speaking about Vieri and the espionage case. What is really happening?

Take care and all the best for this festive season.


Montatura is a sham. Something created out of nothing. Berlusconi is an asshole but he was right. Soon everyone will find out.

The Vieri escapade was the lawsuit that Vieri hammered Inter with regarding illegal espionage. Rather than fight it in Civil court Moratti opted to settle out of court. An admission that he did infact have his former striker (and many others) illegally followed. If he was innocent he wouldn't have minded going to court and defending himself.

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The following is said to have been stated by Blatter:

Il presidente della Fifa Joseph Blatter ha rivelato all'Ansa un particolare inedito su Calciopoli: "Credo sia ora passato abbastanza tempo per poterne parlare, quando scoppi? lo scandalo, nel 2006, Luca di Montezemolo svolse un importantissimo ruolo di moderatore. E' in gran parte merito suo se la Juventus non si rivolse ai tribunali ordinari dopo le sanzioni conseguenti allo scandalo".

What do you think about the above? Does Montezemolo really want Juventus to be freed from any calciopoli accusations or is their something else between the lines.

Montezemolo is the satan of the FIAT machine. He was well aware of what his partner Tronchetti was up to and refused to defend the team. Now he wants to ensure that his own people don't turn on him.

He wasn't a moderator he was a traitor, a collaborator. A scumbag.

Calciopoli 2 is a lifeless distrction which is all smoke and no fire. The civil court proceedings will reveal a lot and Montezemolo is in trouble. Not legal trouble because he didn't do anything but within his own companied he will be seen for the traitor that he is.

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I read plenty of the articles regarding the new allegations and will try to summarize its message.

There is a claim that Alessandro Moggi is still one of Italy?s prominent agents when GEA is actually disbanded. There are other claims in the articles that are laughable as well. The notion that Giraudo is illegitimately working abroad is a lie. He is very close to a position in England but there is nothing wrong with that since he was suspended for 5 years by the FIGC and not the English FA.

It says that Moggi is illegitimately meeting with his former judges (Ruperto and Serio) when in truth, Moggi is appealing his verdicts and has to meet with them in order to follow due process. It claims Moggi is still running Juve?s market when all they lists as proof is Secco?s admission that the two speak. Secco said on TV (in a video I have) that he is still friends with Luciano and that the two speak from time to time (Moggi always got along with Secco but less so with men like Blanc). Secco claimed that he values Moggi?s opinion and often as he has decades of experience. Bottom line is that until they catch Moggi on the phone with other directors buying and selling players for Juve?they have nothing at all. It is not against the law to express opinions and make suggestions. So far they have nothing else.

This is an attempt to distract. With the recent news that Calciopoli is going to civil courts and that the truth behind the trial may now be investigated, the culprits of the trial are running scared and trying to divert public attention and again influence public opinion. We should expect this to continue as the only thing they have left is to continue painting an ugly picture of Moggi to justify Calciopoli.

Remember public outcry was a major stimulant in the sentence?now that?s gone and they are trying to get it back.

Modificato da gsol

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Guest Luigi Daniele
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In what way are they bringing Calciopoli to court, amico mio?

Are you saying that they are suing to have the judgements overturned?

Who is actually bringing the suits?

Thank you

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In what way are they bringing Calciopoli to court, amico mio?

Are you saying that they are suing to have the judgements overturned?

Who is actually bringing the suits?

Thank you

Juventus is doing nothing as usual but the president of the League has had a lot of info presented to him regarding the legitimacy or illegitimacy of the original trials which were carried out in the sports justice department. He has decided to allow the Civil Court to reopen the case entirely.

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Is there an update re calciopoli case? The media seems to be very quite about this case. Is it because the chances for Juve to win this case are very low or is their something else that the media are trying to hide.

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Is there an update re calciopoli case? The media seems to be very quite about this case. Is it because the chances for Juve to win this case are very low or is their something else that the media are trying to hide.

No real updates yet but that's mainly because the trials haven't begun yet. Believe me it's not because of Juve's chances...things ook good. The president of Giu Le Mani Dalla Juve called this year the year of revenge. The association is now involved in 3 seperate trials. The European Calciopoli case, the Italian Civil Court Calciopoli appeal, and the Inter accounting fraud case in Italy as well. They solicited and got involved representing the interests of Juventus' shareholders as direct competitors. We'll see...

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Gsol, how are you doin?

my dad is probably the biggest juve fan there is and id say he knows everything there is to know.

my cousin who lives in canosa is also a massive juve fan.

when we were over there at xmas we were discussing the current situation,

they seem to believe that the truth will NEVER be revealed in italy.

what makes you so confident that it will ?

frankly im kinda on thier side. cus theyre just too powerfull.

also, you talk sense about moggi but you cant say hes 100% innocent.

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Guest Luigi Daniele
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No real updates yet but that's mainly because the trials haven't begun yet. Believe me it's not because of Juve's chances...things ook good. The president of Giu Le Mani Dalla Juve called this year the year of revenge. The association is now involved in 3 seperate trials. The European Calciopoli case, the Italian Civil Court Calciopoli appeal, and the Inter accounting fraud case in Italy as well. They solicited and got involved representing the interests of Juventus' shareholders as direct competitors. We'll see...

Rate our chances, please, on a scale of 1-10 (1=Inter gets off scott free; 10 we get both Scudetti back).

Grazie :vino:

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Rate our chances, please, on a scale of 1-10 (1=Inter gets off scott free; 10 we get both Scudetti back).

Grazie :vino:

short term 6

long term 8

It might not happen right away...but it will happen in my opinion. Believe it or not Prodi being out of office will help us. He's very close to that prick Moratti and allowed the illegal wiretaps to go unpunished. Him being out of office is a good push in the right direction.

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Inter e Milan prosciolte dal Gup di Milano Paola Di Lorenzo dall'accusa di falso in bilancio perche' 'il fatto non sussiste'. Prosciolti anche Adriano Galliani, vicepresidente vicario e ad del Milan, Rinaldo Ghelfi, vicepresidente dell'Inter e Mauro Gambaro, ex dirigente nerazzurro. L'inchiesta riguardava i presunti falsi in bilancio relativi agli anni 2003-2004. Il reato riferito al bilancio del 2003 era comunque gia' prescritto.


The above was on the news today. How come whenever Inter or Milan are accused of something they always walk away clean. It is not acceptable just to say that Inter and Milan have strong contacts and that they can find their way out of any criminal situation. Why is no one from Juventus doing anything about this. On the contrary, what Juve did was to congratulate Inter for yesterday's win in the Coppa Italia. Although I am losing hope that we can ever get back to the glorious days that Juve have always been accustomed to I beg everyone to continue with our fight.

Juve have been accused and harshly sentenced. Inter and Milan have also been accused and they just walked away free. This is simply not acceptable.

gsol can you shed some light as to whether the above is in some way connected to the calciopoli saga?

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Cannavaro On Calciopoli:

Juve Won Titles Fair & Square

Fabio Cannavaro has declared that Juventus won their two Scudetti from 2005 and 2006 because they were the best team and could not care less about the telephone calls accusations.

The Bianconeri were infamously relegated to Serie B and had the two Scudetti they had won under Fabio Capello revoked following the outbreak of the Calciopoli scandal in the summer of 2006.

Most Juventus players from that time are still bitter about what has happened and stress that they won these Scudetti not because any cheating was going on, but simply because they were the best team.

?Us players from that Juve side that was tried and punished feel like they were our Scudetti that were taken away and we feel the same as Inter do now,? Cannavaro told Il Messaggero.

?We came first because we were the best team and we don?t care much about the telephone calls.?

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The reason I believe that the truth will come out is because the appeals have reached European courts.

Italy can't be trusted. Inter and Milan were found guilty of accounting fraud and a crooked judge (Di Lorenzo) made it an unpunishable offence. It's not technically related to farsopoli but it is a confirmation of Moratti's control.

Of course in Italy no one will touch the rich and powerful but their influence isn't worth shit at the European Court level. The fight will be long but I remain confident.

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An unbelievable revelation has sent Juventus fans in Italy into a frenzy.

It was long understood that the new Juventus management fell painfully short in defending the team during the Calciopoli crisis and the words of both Sepp Blatter (FIFA President) and Stefano Melandri (Italian Sports Minister) thanking Luca Montezemolo for his "heroics" in discouraging Juventus? civil court appeals were already sitting uncomfortably with fans but the recent revelations by Cobolli Gigli (courtesy of Gigi Moncalvo the Italian Journalist) has added fuel to an increasingly scorching fire between Juventus loyalists and the new management.

In an interview that Cobolli Gigli made with il Corriere dello Sport (see videos below) a confession of the president?s willingness to allow Juventus? unjust treatment has become yet another cause for concern.

In the video phrases like ?we understood that certain important sporting authorities had pre-written sentences long before the trial commenced? and ?reading the judicial documents we found ourselves convicted of seemingly petty infractions and no major offences and thus a sentence of Serie B that was far superior that what the squad deserved? are stated without hesitation.

Many have been asking for almost two years now why then were the managers so reluctant to defend the old lady? The answer reveals yet another name in the long list of Juventus adversaries who saw fit that the team be demoted and stripped of their achievements.

Cobolli goes on to reveal that ?in long conversations with Alessandro Vocalelli, he helped convince me that in certain moments it is better to accept a situation even in bitterness in the name of progress?.

Who is Alessandro Vocalelli? He is the director of Corriere dello Sport which is owned by the RCS Media group where Carlo Buora sits s Vice President (Telecom VP and former Pierelli and Inter VP). It should also be noted that Bruno Bartolozzi (Inter Team Manager) works as head editor of the Corriere dello Sport.

Cobolli goes on to say ?it wasn?t easy accepting B but Vocalelli reminded me continuously that sometimes it?s best to swallow what?s in the chalice even if it is bitter and accept a punishment even if it is not deserved?.

Now we know that our managers were convinced by the Corriere dello Sport (among others) to accept the verdict of a trial that could only be classified as a farce.

Cobolli states ?the 2 scudetti were won on the pitch and we still feel in our hearts that we have 29, however the situation is what it is?. . It?s a good thing Vocalelli didn?t ?convince? our ?President? to accept Serie D1. Thank you Corriere.

Needless to say that countless forums and lawyers representing Juventus? small shareholders like Giuseppe Belvisio have already stated publically that a president?s acceptance of such a damaging punishment that while knowing it was unlawful and easily disputable in Civil Courts is ground for an immediate dismissal.

Those who continue to doubt the evidence of outside and inside involvement in the case while continuing to believe that it was about match fixing will have their hands full trying to justify this revelation.

Cobolli?remove yourself!

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Guest Luigi Daniele
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How is Giulemani and etc's process going, amico mio?

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How is Giulemani and etc's process going, amico mio?

I'm waiting for updates myself. Things will begin soon.

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Guest Luigi Daniele
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I'm waiting for updates myself. Things will begin soon.

OK. Thanks. Please keep us updated @@

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Various Ultra Groups in collaboration with DOCs and web forums like Vecchia Signora and J1897 have written official demands that are to be met or a mass boycott will be launched.

We need to make these pricks understand what our numbers are and what a boycott would mean.

I translated both letters and copied all the addresses as well. Copy paste and send!


With the present communication, we wish to express our discontent regarding the scandalous officiating of Dondarini that follows many other proceeding incidents equally controversial this season. As Juventus and football fans, as well as paying customers of the sport itself, WE DEMAND respect. Officiating like that witnessed Saturday evening, only prompts anger and violence, and encourages further ill intended officiating by brushing aside clear penalties not awarded as human error while preserving the status quo.

We are demanding immediate action regarding the officiating of our squad to the full possible extent, should such incidents persist, we are ready to launch a mass boycott through agreements established throughout the organized Juventus fan base of all newspapers, magazines, TV/Satellite transmissions etc that sustain the world of football.


To the attention of the FIGC and Lega Calcio,

We Juventini, after witnessing the indisputable manner in which this championship is being falsified with officiating decisions that border on absurd, which continue to damage the progress of Juventus while favoring certain clubs, WE DEMAND that the FIGC put an immediate halt on the league in order to conduct an internal investigation of all directors, assistants and referees.

We the fans of Juventus are exhausted by the incomprehensible manner in which this championship has been falsified with the purpose of damaging one society in particular (something NO other season has ever witnessed). In order to see to it that our club receives the proper treatment we are ready, united and compact like never before, to take our fight with YOU the FIGC to the competent external legal parties that can ensure proper action.

Where your farce of a trial came short in ensuring a clean game, we the fans of Juventus are anxious once and for all to shed light on this situation with the Civil Magistrates, and other organisms of Justice that previously went ignored by some, in order to clarify the conflicts of interest that govern the game between certain personalities that fund our sport and their connection to our league and specifically certain societies.

We Juventini will not be satisfied with your senseless and incoherent explanations and excuses that further add confusion, nor will we tolerate your fake provisions for a better game that seldom see the light of day like the promises again made after the scandalous actions of Reggina-Juventus.

We are adamant that there is ill intent directed at our club and we intend to move forward in the direction of a concrete resolution in the institutions that can provide a real change.

We would like to add that the rights that our Constitution guarantees, with particular reference to the right to Civil Justice which were clearly violated during Calciopoli, will not be our only course of action due to our readiness to organize a mass and total boycott which will be extended to every single aspect of the football world in our nation which includes but is not limited to TV and newspapers that sponsor the game.

We are 10 million strong in Italy alone who have been loyal customers of your pseudo-sports world and know the extent of what a mass boycott could mean to you financially.

In closing we wish to express that if our demand is not met with proper attention, we will launch all that has been promised. We will not change our position by so much as a millimeter!


Tifosi Bianconeri ; ; ; ; ; ; ; cverdelli@giornalaccio ; ;; ; ;

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