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Calciopoli & Scommessopoli In English

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Kafinkti (probably not spelled right)

You asked a good question. Many people have asked about the Pessotto suicide attempt because of its timing. It really looked like something was up but logic points us in another direction entirely.

There is a common misconception that Gianluca Pessotto was in a position of risk being a Team Manager during the trials and that he either wanted to avoid trial or others didn't want him to make it to trial. That is bullshit for one simple reason which I will get into.

Keep in mind we can only make assumptions here based on common sense. Yes a suicide note ws left behind but no one will read it beyond his family.

Here's what we know:

The "investigations" of Calciopoli were regarding the 2004-2005 season only. At this time Pessotto was a paid defender for Juventus and not a Team Manager. No players were at all implicated in Calciopoli and he like all others was never called to testify or be investigated for any charges relating to the scandal. Furthermore, even if he was the Team Manager in 2005 (he was not but hypothetically if he was) he still would have been at no risk. Team Managers are responsible for booking travel arrangements and lodging for away games, publicity, etc. Things of that nature had nothing to do with the scandal as all implicated figures were well above his rank. Regardless, he was a defender.

There was the betting aspect of the investigations where many players were called to court but cleared (Buffon). In the end no wrong doing occured there either but it should be noted that again Pessotto was not implicated at all.

During the doping trials (where Juve players and medics were all found NOT GUILTY TWICE unlike Kallon of INTER), Pessotto was subject to testing and testifying but never so much as hinted at suicide.

I think it's obvious that he was not fearing the courts. Not only had he been there before (doping trials) but he was in a no risk situation during Calciopoli.

His wife eventually made a statement that he was having personal problems but went no further. It makes sense considering he had just retired after a long player career but we will truly never know. One thing is for certain, though Calciopoli ruined his last Scudetto celebration, it posed no threat to him personally. The thought that he jumped to protect secrets despite not being called to court at all is just a popular misconception.

As far as helping from Malta, I tell everyone that likes something that I write to translate it into whatever language they can to spread the word. I know many in Malta speak both Italian and English (among other languages) so I'm not sure if there would be a demand for it. You decide. Other than that go to and help out anyway you can. Translate, donate, spread the word.

Whether the titles come back or not (things look more positive than people think) the important thing is Juve's name being cleared once and for all.


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Guest Luigi Daniele
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OK, I have a question, amico mio:

If, as we all know, Farsopoli had to do with only the 2004/5 season, how could they strip Juve of the 2005/6 Scudetto? I have never understood this. It seems to me that even a modestly successful lawyer should be able to get the 2005/6 Scudetto stripping thrown out. What am I missing?

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Your missing that if that was the case Inter wouldn't have been assigned our title. That was part of Guido Rossi and Moratti's objective. Juventus were stripped of two titles but one was revoked and given to no one. The second one was never revoked it was reassigned to 3rd place Inter. Guido Rossi explained that if no team claimed that title that one fewer club would have access to the Champions League (bullshit) and since they couldn't possibly still allow Juve to go to the CL and net 25 million euros in sponsorships he assigned it to his former employers at Inter. This gave Inter and Roma automatic access to the CL rather than qualifying for it, and gave Milan and Chievo a chance to qualify. Chievo failed and were relegated at season's end.

The way they did this is so creative you have to say "only in Italy".

The punishment was spread over a three year period:

Year 1: 2004/2005 title stripped...simple, no math

Year 2: 2005/2006 91 point penalty for the "match fixing" in the prior season (only to admit weeks later didn't actually exist) which brought Juventus down to 0 points and last place in the standings, therefore relegated.

Year 3: 2006/2007 Serie B with a 30 point deduction

This ensured that Juve lost two titles and lost access to the CL as well. It gets really obvious that it was designed for the paper champions when second place Milan were handed just enough of a point deduction in year 2 to take them out of the lead in the standings (ignoring Juve) but at the same time allowing them to finish in the Champions League zone. Despite everything Galliani and Berlu*****a still cried about the punishment being too harsh and how being forced to play the qualifiers was wrong.

Hope that helps buddy

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This season Juventus have a number of players loaned and/or on "compriopieta" to other Italian and foreign clubs. Can anyone list all the players that although loaned or playing for other clubs are still in the books of Juventus.

From these players who do you think will make it to Juventus first team next year?

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gsol: First of all, have you decided whether to publish a book on this subject or otherwise? If you go ahead with the idea I'm sure that it would be a huge success and every media station would be talking about it.

I have a question that I would like an answer for. Is it true that the decision taken by the FIGC can never be overturned by any other Court and is final? How does the Italian system works in cases of sports corruption? Also, people keep refering to the incident when Moggi ordered that a referre be locked up in a room until he accepted to help Juventus in winning games. What is the truth behid all this?

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Guest Luigi Daniele
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Your missing that if that was the case Inter wouldn't have been assigned our title. That was part of Guido Rossi and Moratti's objective. Juventus were stripped of two titles but one was revoked and given to no one. The second one was never revoked it was reassigned to 3rd place Inter. Guido Rossi explained that if no team claimed that title that one fewer club would have access to the Champions League (bullshit) and since they couldn't possibly still allow Juve to go to the CL and net 25 million euros in sponsorships he assigned it to his former employers at Inter. This gave Inter and Roma automatic access to the CL rather than qualifying for it, and gave Milan and Chievo a chance to qualify. Chievo failed and were relegated at season's end.

The way they did this is so creative you have to say "only in Italy".

The punishment was spread over a three year period:

Year 1: 2004/2005 title stripped...simple, no math

Year 2: 2005/2006 91 point penalty for the "match fixing" in the prior season (only to admit weeks later didn't actually exist) which brought Juventus down to 0 points and last place in the standings, therefore relegated.

Year 3: 2006/2007 Serie B with a 30 point deduction

This ensured that Juve lost two titles and lost access to the CL as well. It gets really obvious that it was designed for the paper champions when second place Milan were handed just enough of a point deduction in year 2 to take them out of the lead in the standings (ignoring Juve) but at the same time allowing them to finish in the Champions League zone. Despite everything Galliani and Berlu*****a still cried about the punishment being too harsh and how being forced to play the qualifiers was wrong.

Hope that helps buddy

Knew all that, amico mio (not the Milan "just enough penalty" part, though--wow).

My question is how, legally, you can punish a team for the year of "cheating" (2004/5) and the next year. ;)

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I could not thank you enough for your great work!!!

As I was reading your articles I could not help but feeling really angry about the shambles that happened 2 summers ago!!!

Disbelief is the only world that represent fully my feelings towards FARSOPOLI!!!

Please M8 you have got to write a book about this I would certainly buy it and would also help to promote it here in the UK.. I am not a publisher or anything like that but I can spread the world!! I am sure that your book would sell very well indeed!!

Now if I may, I would really like to ask you a question..

As I understand there is a possibility of Juventus getting back the 2 scudetti but:

"can a court of law overturn a FIGC sentence??"

Blatter (= M.A.F.I.A) was very explicit with regard to this!! Juventus had to accept the FIGC sentence, appealing to the TAR court would have caused the automatic exclusion (for 2 years??) from any European competition (re U.E.F.A)!!!

If you could shed some light on this I would really appreciate it!!


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gsol: First of all, have you decided whether to publish a book on this subject or otherwise? If you go ahead with the idea I'm sure that it would be a huge success and every media station would be talking about it.

I have a question that I would like an answer for. Is it true that the decision taken by the FIGC can never be overturned by any other Court and is final? How does the Italian system works in cases of sports corruption? Also, people keep refering to the incident when Moggi ordered that a referre be locked up in a room until he accepted to help Juventus in winning games. What is the truth behid all this?

I want to write the book but frankly don't know where to begin.

The Paparesta ordeal I thought I wrote about here.

Maybe I didn't. In any case here it is:

The Paparesta deal is easy and stupid. Paparesta made terrible calls against Juventus in favour of Reggina (ignored penalty and two annulled goals). After the game Moggi went into the locker to room with Giraudo and yelled at Paparesta. It should be noted that according to league rules, directors are allowed to go into the referee locker room before and after a game but not during. In this case no harm done since it was after the game.

Moggi yelled at Paparesta and the linesmen (Coppelli who was found on the phone taking instructions from Milan's Meani on how to keep the flag down for Milan and up for others) and Di Mauro in an embarrassing fashion.

Moggi later made a crucial error. In a phone call afterwards he claimed that he locked the referees in the locker room, boarded a plane and left. Eye witness accounts including Paparesta's testimony to the court (which I have and can send to anyone interested) do not state that he or anyone else was ever trapped in a locker room. In addition, stadium surveillance recordings show Paparesta leaving at the normal hour.

Unfortunately Moggi?s attempt at sounding tougher than he was backfired as the Gazetta got the recording and publicized it. The declaration from Chief Investigator Borelli and testimony of Paparesta himself (I have both if anyone is interested) didn?t make the headlines. Moggi?s charges for ?Unlawful Detainment? of Paparesta, Di Mauro, and Coppelli were all dropped. No one wrote about it though.

The day after the game Paparesta called Moggi to explain himself. Moggi insulted him and said ?non ho voglia di parlarti? (I have no desire to speak with you) and hung up. I have the call and sent it to many.

By the way, Paparesta is an admitted Milanista.

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Few people asked if the verdit could be overturned and the answer is yes.

This is why fans and Juventus shareholders formed the Association called Giu Le Mani Dalla Juve ( This is a legal entity created by a lawyer named Giuseppe Belvisio to appeal the verdict.

The appeal was brought to the European Court of Commerce and it has been accepted by the court.

Our main lawyer is Luc Mission who worked on the Bosman case.

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Guest Luigi Daniele
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You have to write the book, amico mio--brilliant post (as usual)

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Few people asked if the verdit could be overturned and the answer is yes.

This is why fans and Juventus shareholders formed the Association called Giu Le Mani Dalla Juve ( This is a legal entity created by a lawyer named Giuseppe Belvisio to appeal the verdict.

The appeal was brought to the European Court of Commerce and it has been accepted by the court.

Our main lawyer is Luc Mission who worked on the Bosman case.


Unfortunately I can't send MPs (Luigi my man can you do anything about this??).

Should we be successful in overturning the sentence how do you think UEFA would react to it? UEFA would have the power to suspend Juventus FC from any UEFA competition. Do you think this would be a possibility even though Juventus is NOT directly involved with what is happening??

One thing that would really bug me and the other 10 Mil supporters is seeing Juventus suspended from any future UEFA competitions as a result of this. And, I would not be surprised at all if it did happen considering what Blatter is capable of doing!! What are your thoughts with regard to this?


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Guest Luigi Daniele
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Unfortunately I can't send MPs (Luigi my man can you do anything about this??).

It is a forum default, amico mio. As such, no mod can change it. I am sorry.

TBH, I would rather that all questions were asked "in public", anyway--that way we can all benefit from the answers ;)

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Regarding the UEFA not be afraid.

UEFA is well aware of us and even sent us a letter acknowledging us and our effort in Europe.

UEFA is entirely behind us. If we win they will pose no problems.

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Thanks Man!!!

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Regarding the UEFA not be afraid.

UEFA is well aware of us and even sent us a letter acknowledging us and our effort in Europe.

UEFA is entirely behind us. If we win they will pose no problems.

Keep up the good work. From the material you wrote in this site, it is already enough to convince the unconvincible. One has only to decide whether to first write the book and as soon as it is published open a Court case OR the other way round. Because if the case ia opened first and followed by publishing the book, than the opponents would not know beforehand our evidence to be submitted in Court.

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Sorry Fellas, but these scuetti are never coming back. Never. We might win a few and find our way to 30 but we are not getting those 2 back. My suggestion -- respectfully -- is to move on and forget all of this living in denial. Moggi w benefitted from being the "chosen" teamas a creep but we did not deserve to be treated like this. We have benefitted from being the "chosen" team for 100 years now -- we can live with this artificial relegation if we must. The important thing is to forget this and come back ten times stronger than before. Oh, and this jive about Platini? Forget that too. The courts have nothing to do with the FIGC. He knows, we know and everyone who is Juventino like me should just turn the darn page and get on with the business of beating Inter and Milan like before. Oh, and I forgot: let's stop blaming Inter for this too. If anyone was responsible for this in the main it was Silvio "My nickname should be Adolf" Berlusconi. He's the scum behind this backdoor attempt to destroy Juventus. Not Moratti.

Bye. Mitchell

Hei Man do u really know what u r talking about? We DO NOT BLAME ANYONE....WE WANT THE TRUTH.

Sometimes u should really try to read more....on this website

I tell u... the english speaking guys are doing a great job to translate and understand Calciopoli

bye the way I am italian and

compliments to those guys which.....are real juventus supporters.. because they are using their brain!

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This helps confirm the Inside Job I wrote about before. Many have challenged me to prove that Montezemolo and the Inter ****** are in business together. Here goes:

In recent days various newspapers like “Il Sole 24 Ore” and “ANSA” where printing excerpts of a public statement made by our very own FIAT Director Luca Cordero Montezemolo discussing his ties to Marco Tronchetti Provera at Telecom Italia.

Seems the two have a very tight knit relationship as directors of another huge Italian industrial powerhouse. The company is called CONFINDUSTRIA. Both are directors there and as always…here’s the proof.

Look at the suit next to Tronchetti…familiar last name no? It’s Moratti’s brother. Look into his history and you’ll see he used to be the Director at “Il Corriere della Sera” which confirms again how much control Inter had in the press.

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Guest Luigi Daniele
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hi gsol. hows it goin?

i have read this whole post and am very intrigued as to what your position is exactly.

youre a very knowledgable and i have learnt a bit from this whole post.

im quite impressed with your knowledge of our beloved JUVENTUS, and am afraid it had to finish.... well ..... im afraid it had to start really but you know what i mean. Its good to see people really trying to do something for the cause! I keep thinking that there is no use in all this research and everything else, I have these thoughts that moratti and co are just too powerfull and rich to ever fall now that they have controll but i suppose if we dont try well never find out. Ihave faith that good will reign over evil and inter and milan will come crashing down and be found out, Juve will once again be Victorious, Fingers Crossed!!

oh and everyone else take it easy too..

if theres anythin i can do to help just give us a shout....

this is my first post btw..



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Guest Luigi Daniele
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hi gsol. hows it goin?

i have read this whole post and am very intrigued as to what your position is exactly.

youre a very knowledgable and i have learnt a bit from this whole post.

im quite impressed with your knowledge of our beloved JUVENTUS, and am afraid it had to finish.... well ..... im afraid it had to start really but you know what i mean. Its good to see people really trying to do something for the cause! I keep thinking that there is no use in all this research and everything else, I have these thoughts that moratti and co are just too powerfull and rich to ever fall now that they have controll but i suppose if we dont try well never find out. Ihave faith that good will reign over evil and inter and milan will come crashing down and be found out, Juve will once again be Victorious, Fingers Crossed!!

oh and everyone else take it easy too..

if theres anythin i can do to help just give us a shout....

this is my first post btw..



Welcome :)

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thanks .asd

hope all is well...

any more news on this sh*tter of a subject?

are they still busting moggi's balls over them swiss sim cards?


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My position is simple. Politics and money were used to create a case that would grant supremacy to Inter at Juventus' expense. Simply put...that's what happened.

The SIM Cards are a fabricated joke. There are traces of the wire tables being computer generated making them tampered evidence but when you look at the actual games the prosecutors claimed were influence you see a handful of Juve, Inter, and Milan games where the Milano teams average more points than Juventus. Maybe they want us to think Moggi was fixing games for Inter and Milan too. Nthing will come of it and even Moggi laughs it off.

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Great News!

The League (under massive pressure) have decided to reopen the Calciopoli case in Civil Court in Italy. The case will override the Sports Tribunal and is set to begin in the new year with an official announcement expected as early as the 20th of December, 2007.

Though I do not trust ?La giornalaccio rosa? very much, this is a legal matter which would be hard to make up.


With the case being re-opened in the Italy, The European Court of Commerce through Giu Le Mani Dalla Juve?s class action appeal, and the countless public trials regarding the scandal currently set to begin (including the arrests of key Telecom figures like Ghioni and Tavarolli) for evidence tampering and illegal espionage along with the private appeals of notable figures like Moggi and De Santis it seems like the truth may be revealed sooner than expected.

It should also be noted that Tavarolli and Ghioni have recently agreed to testify against their former directors at Telecom Italia (Tronchetti and Moratti) tregarding their roles in the data collection and manipulation.;/telecom.shtml

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GSOL YOUrE A BAD MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sciarpata:


That news is what ive been waiting for since it happened, started going mental jumpin round the room when i read it!

to be honest im having slight trouble understanding it. I speak italian but not fluently, and you know what italian news papers are like... guess im gonna have to suffer a little...

where do you get all this inside info from?

i asked your position, meanin job/profession(hope im not being nosey)..

Im quite aware we were set up (not to sound cocky or anythin).. also read that article you wrote about the sim cards... How can they fabricate such lies?? WHAT A JOKE!!!

I found a shocking article actually:

Its probably nothing you havent read but its just proof that this shit is still being spread for no reason, making juventus' name even worse

Anyway,I hope this is the start of things to come, Its time the truth came out and the people stop being fed lies!!!. people everwhere really beleive that juventus are the cheats!!

I have countless arguments with people trying to tell them whos right.. I guess soon theyll see!!

Oh yeah, I promoted that article on like a bitch, you should be glad!! hehe


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i dont know if you noticed but 3 of those articles have been deleted already?

thats pretty strange if u ask me.. also pretty dodgy by the looks of things...

i hope this doesnt mean what i think it means...

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