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Moratti mocks Juventus' request for

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Juve Calciopoli case rejected

Nov 15, 2011

Juventus have received another blow after the TNAS tribunal ruled it was

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Agnelli wants Calciopoli round table

Nov 16, 2011

Juventus President Andrea Agnelli held a Press conference calling for

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Juventus claim 400-million euros

Nov 16, 2011

Italian giants Juventus have lodged a claim for more than 400 million euros ($A536.98 million) with a local court against the Italian Football Federation (Figc) over the 2006 calciopoli scandal, Italian press reported Tuesday.

Juventus accuse Figc of unequal treatment and lack of action regarding the 2006 match-fixing scandal that saw the Old Lady of Turin stripped of two league titles and relegated to Serie B.

AC Milan, Lazio, Fiorentina and Reggiana were also punished but Inter Milan escaped unscathed and were even awarded the 2006 scudetto crown.

According to La giornalaccio rosa dello Sport Juve are claiming 444-million euros with the court in Latium, in the central and western part of Italy.

Speaking to SkySport, Figc president Giancarlo Abete hit back at the accusations.

"The Federation was chief among those damaged by calciopoli," he said.

"Even in the sentencing by the court in Naples the judges rejected every accusation against the Federation."

Juve were stripped of their 2005 and 2006 league titles but have been exhausting every possible avenue to try to get that decision revoked, including taking a case to the Italian Court of Arbitration for Sport as well as European football governing body UEFA.

But so far all their efforts have been rejected.

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Petrucci and Moratti thank Agnelli

Nov 16, 2011

CONI President Gianni Petrucci and Inter patron Massimo Moratti agree with Juventus chief Andrea Agnelli

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Moratti: 'No peace table with knives...'

Nov 19, 2011

Inter President Massimo Moratti is open to the proposed Calciopoli ‘round table talks,’ “as long as there aren’t knives under the table.”

Juventus patron Andrea Agnelli called for round table negotiations to declare peace after the Calciopoli scandal and appearance of new evidence, an idea supported by the FIGC and CONI.

“Can we sit down round a table for peace talks? It depends on whether everyone is prepared for something like this,” said Moratti ahead of today’s Inter-Cagliari match at San Siro.

“It could take place, as long as there aren’t any knives under the table. We’ll stand up to see what happens.”

Juventus are taking legal action to have the 2005-06 Scudetto stripped from Inter and handed back to them, while they’re also considering suing the Federation for damages from their demotion.

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The Italian FA was right in handing

Inter 2006 title - Giancarlo Abete :103:

The chief of the Italian FA has insisted that handing the Nerazzurri the Scudetto

was the right thing, and is open to a meeting with all people involved to explain things.

Nov 23, 2011

Giancarlo Abete, president of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC), has stressed that he still feels that handing Inter the 2006 Serie A title at the expense of Juventus was the correct decision and is ready to explain the reasons behind his ruling to the people involved.

Juventus president Andrea Agnelli recently invited the Italian football authorities to sit at a table and end the arguments once and for all over Calciopoli and Abete seems ready to enter clear-the-air talks over the scandal.

"I see it as a great initiative to meet about this. This will be the perfect opportunity to clarify everything in serenity. It is time to close the lid on Calciopoli. This has already taken too long," Abete said to Radio Anch'io.

"The Scudetto that was assigned to Inter? We made the right decisions. FIGC has never been wrong in this. We simply looked at the standings and the sentences handed to the clubs involved. I understand how the club presidents feel, but only the rules count for us."

Inter president Massimo Moratti and CONI chief Gianni Petrucci previously stated that they are keen to take matters further.

"A round table with the CONI president? I would be happy to accept Agnelli's offer," Moratti said.

Petrucci added: "I accept Agnelli's invitation to sit down; this could be the start of the ice breaking."

Juventus were stripped of both the 2005 and 2006 Serie A titles in the aftermath of the Calciopoli scandal, the latter eventually being given to Inter.

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Calciopoli round table talks set

Nov 27, 2011

The Italian Olympic Committee has set the December 14 date for ‘round table talks’ on Calciopoli between Inter, Juventus and others.

The CONI announced today that the peace talks, requested by Juve in the wake of recent evidence and controversy, would go ahead.

CONI President Gianni Petrucci and FIGC President Giancarlo Abete confirmed the meetings would be held on Wednesday December 14.

“It is a meeting to discuss and deepen the issues relating to football.”

Along with Inter and Juventus, some of the other clubs affected include Fiorentina, Lazio and Milan.

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Moratti: 'Talks to end Calciopoli'

Nov 29, 2011

Massimo Moratti insists the Calciopoli roundtable talks are “not to judge on the past, but to forget and move on. We won’t give Juventus any gifts.”

The talks have been called for December 14 by the CONI (Italian Olympic Committee) with Inter, Juve, Milan, Fiorentina and Lazio discussing the fall-out from the Calciopoli scandal, consequent legal battles and the contentious 2005-06 Scudetto.

“The past is in the past and has already been judged by others, while those who need to judge are still carrying on their work. The ‘peace talks’ are not for this,” insisted Inter President Moratti.

“You can talk about the 2005-06 campaign like people do in a bar, but those are not tables where one decides if somebody had good or bad fortune, a certain attitude or behaviour.

“This roundtable is only of use to say ‘alright, let’s forget we’ve forgotten everything and move on.’ This is what I want to say, above all.

“It will be a meeting between us Presidents who are directly responsible for football teams. As far as I am concerned, the scope for the talks should be constructive. We all know each other, so it’s important to build through friendship and collaboration new projects for Italian football, which allow us to have better objectives than arguing every day.”

Juventus have taken legal action to have the 2005-06 Scudetto stripped from Inter and returned to Turin.

“I know it’s near Christmas, but I’m certainly not going to give Juventus this gift,” laughed Moratti.

A few months ago Fiorentina patron Andrea Della Valle also called for roundtable talks, but Moratti feels the CONI’s involvement changes the situation.

“I snubbed the meeting back then, but now I accept because I trust the scope of the talks has changed. At the time the invite was to a table where I was on trial, even if I was innocent.

“I think this table does not have the same approach, especially as it was absurd and would still be absurd now.

“The wiretaps involving Inter? The public prosecutor in Naples already replied by stating how unimportant they were.”

New wiretaps from 2005-06 emerged in the civil trial into Calciopoli, as they were ignored and in many cases not even transcribed in the police investigation.

Former Juventus director general Luciano Moggi used these calls to ‘prove’ his behaviour was widespread in Serie A and not part of a small cabal of clubs influencing referees.

This thesis was rejected, as Moggi was found guilty of sporting fraud, although the FIGC Disciplinary Commission also ruled that Inter were guilty and would’ve been stripped of the 2005-06 title had it not gone beyond the statute of limitations.

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Moratti rules out returning Scudetto

Nov 29, 2011

Inter Milan president Massimo Moratti insists he will not countenance any move to restore the 2006 Serie A title to Juventus at a planned meeting organised by CONI next month.

The Italian sporting authority has called a meeting on December 14 at which Italian Football Federation president Giancarlo Abete is due to meet all the interested parties to discuss the reasons why Juventus were stripped of the title they won five years ago.

Juventus president Andrea Agnelli has pressed for the meeting to take place, but Moratti has dismissed speculation it could be a first step towards reversing the move, saying instead it is about breaking the ice that has existed between the two clubs since.

"It is an invitation for those of us directly involved to meet and from my own view this must be constructive,'' Moratti said. "We want to build a friendship and a partnership throughout the league. If there is to be constructiveness in Italian football, we must have goals higher than those of arguing all day.

"The past? There are those who judge others, who have already tried or will do so, but this is not for us to get around a table and go over the past.''

Asked how he would respond to a demand to hand the title back to Juventus, Moratti said: "I know we are getting close to Christmas, but I do not believe that requires us to hand over such a gift.''

In May 2006, Juventus were found guilty of match-fixing and stripped of the 2005 and 2006 Serie A titles, and relegated to Serie B. Inter were awarded the 2006 title, but the previous season's was not reassigned.

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Calciopoli peace talks begin

Dec 14, 2011

A meeting with the intention of archiving Calciopoli for good has begun in Rome on Wednesday morning.

The summit was organised by Gianni Petrucci, the head of the Italian Olympic Committee, after Juventus recently filed compensation claims for damages against their punishment back in 2006.

The Old Lady were stripped of two Scudetti and demoted to Serie B with a point deduction after a rapid sporting inquiry.

Milan, Fiorentina, Lazio and Reggina were also hit by point penalties, but they were allowed to remain in Serie A.

The second of the two titles taken away from the Bianconeri was handed to Inter. Juventus, following revelations at the Napoli criminal trial, now claim that Inter’s title should be handed back.

Amongst those at today’s ‘peace table’ are Juventus President Andrea Agnelli and Inter counterpart Massimo Moratti.

Milan Vice-President Adriano Galliani, Fiorentina patron Diego Della Valle, Napoli chief Aurelio De Laurentiis and Italian Football Federation President Giancarlo Abete are also present.

“I’ve come to listen and contribute,” stated Moratti on his arrival. “We’ll look to take things one step at a time.

“A handshake with Agnelli? I don’t know. We’ll see…”

De Laurentiis noted: “I hope Juve and Inter make peace. You are calling this the table of peace, I prefer to call it a table for a restart.

“We’ve had enough of the talk, Italian football needs credibility.”

Della Valle stated: “I don’t know if the table is round or square... I’ve come to hear what Petrucci has to say. I don’t know what will be discussed.”

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Calciopoli peace meeting ends with no resolution agreed

Figures present at the four-hour summit all admitted that none of the problems

discussed at the get-together have been ironed out with further meetings required.

Dec 14, 2011

Wednesday's Calciopoli peace talks have ended with none of the issues discussed resolved, according to those present at the meeting.

The four-hour showdown, which was held at the headquarters of the Italian Olympic Committee (CONI) on Wednesday came about as some of the most powerful figures involved in Italian football attempt to bring an end to the controversy that has clouded Serie A since the Calciopoli scandal in 2006.

The meeting was headed by CONI chief Gianni Petrucci, who was joined by AC Milan vice-president Adriano Galliani, Fiorentina patron Diego Della Valle, Juventus president Andrea Agnelli, Napoli chief Aurelio De Laurentiis, Inter's Massimo Moratti and Italian Football Federation (FIGC) chief, Giancarlo Abete.

Petrucci spoke to media after the talks and stated: "It was a long, friendly and correct meeting but I must be honest and sincere, the subject of Calciopoli is still very heated so nobody changed their stance on the matter.

"There was a log of good intentions but no results have been obtained. I'll certainly think very carefully before planning another meeting.

"I'm disappointed, but we gave it everything and we'll sleep without problems tonight. There was no result yet no defeat either."

FIGC president Abete seconded Petrucci's view on the meeting, admitting it will be difficult to fully resolve all issues.

"There was no change in position. Despite all of the effort, it's hard to heal a deep wound," he told the press.

Inter patron Moratti, who saw his side dominate in Serie A after the Juventus' demotion to Serie B said: "All meetings can be constructive and everything can be useful."

Fiorentina's Delle Valle added: "It was a civil meeting yet nobody altered their view."

Juvents chief Agnelli refused to speak about the event, instead stating he will discuss the meeting at a later date.

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Calciopoli talks end with no peace

Dec 14, 2011


Those present at Wednesday’s Calciopoli peace talks have admitted that nothing has changed after a four-hour meeting.

A summit was held today at the headquarters of CONI – the Italian Olympic Committee – in an effort to bring an end to the controversy which has shadowed the Italian game since the sentences of 2006.

CONI chief Gianni Petrucci called for the get-together after Juventus started legal proceedings for damages after their demotion to Serie B five years ago. They were also stripped of two Scudetti.

Amongst those at today’s ‘peace table’ were Juventus President Andrea Agnelli and Inter counterpart Massimo Moratti.

Milan Vice-President Adriano Galliani, Fiorentina patron Diego Della Valle, Napoli chief Aurelio De Laurentiis and Italian Football Federation President Giancarlo Abete were also present.

“It was a long, friendly and correct meeting,” Petrucci noted. “But I mustbe honest and sincere, the subject of Calciopoli is still very hot so nobody changed their stance on the matter.

“There was a lot of good intentions, but no results have been obtained. I’ll certainly think very carefuly before planning another meeting.”

He added: “I’m disappointed, but we gave it everything and we’ll sleep without problems tonight. There was no result, but no defeat either.”

FIGC President Abete and Viola chief Della Valle also confirmed that nobody took a backwards step.

“There was no change in position,” Abete stated. “Despite all of the effort, it’s hard to heal a deep wound.”

Della Valle commented: “It was a civil meeting, but nobody altered their view.”

Inter’s Moratti, whose side were handed Juve’s 2006 title, refused to go into detail about what was discussed.

“All meetings can be constructive and everything can be useful,” he stated.

Agnelli, meanwhile, didn’t leave a comment after admitting that he would talk to the media at a later stage about today’s events.

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Diego Della Valle orders Guido Rossi to disclose

every detail of the investigation into Calciopoli

Fiorentina co-owner wants the former FIGC commissioner to outline exactly

what happened during his enquiry into the fixing scandal which rocked Italian football.

Dec 16, 2011

Fiorentina co-owner Diego Della Valle has called on Guido Rossi to publicly reveal every detail of his investigation into Calciopoli.

Just a day after the peace talks arranged to smoothe relations between the clubs involved in the corruption scandal which rocked Italian football in 2006, Della Valle posted a letter on the Viola’s official website urging the former Italian Football Federation (FIGC) commissioner to disclose everything he knows about the investigation.

"Guido Rossi first of all has to publicly explain what really happened,” he wrote of the enquiry which led to Juventus being demoted to Serie B and Fiorentina, Milan and Lazio being docked points.

“With regard to the meeting which took place yesterday at the headquarters of CONI, I want to thank president [Gianni] Petrucci for the invitation and the attempt for peace. Even if it has not achieved the desired goal, it has, however, opened a path.

"The shared desire of all in wanting to pacify the members must first pass through a clear and honest analysis of what happened in his time.

“The protagonists of that time must publicly clarify [what happened]. And Guido Rossi has the duty to reconstruct the facts and give a public explanation to all those who want to know the truth.”

The peace talks were headed by CONI president Petrucci, who was joined by Della Valle, AC Milan vice-president Adriano Galliani, Juventus president Andrea Agnelli, Napoli patron Aurelio De Laurentiis, Inter's Massimo Moratti and current FIGC chief, Giancarlo Abete.

The scandal, which centred on teams trying to influence the outcome of games by selecting favourable referees, came to light as a consequence of investigations by Naples prosecutors into the Italian football agency GEA World.

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Investigator into 'Calciopoli' claims

that there were no 'truly' fixed games

An anonymous source has argued during an interview with an Italian daily that many

of the claims made by those convicted of trying to influence matches were pure bravado.

Dec 23, 2011

One of the men involved in the investigation into Calciopoli has claimed that many of those found guilty of attempting to influence referees and fix matches were harshly treated.

During an interview with Corriere dello Sport, the anonymous source also argues that there were no clearly arranged games.

When asked how many of those convicted of sporting fraud were either harshly or unjustly punished, the investigator replied: "I tell you the truth, most of them …. if you go to actually see the games, really rigged games where the referee was truly involved, there aren’t any.”

The source argued that many of the claims of having ‘bought’ the referee or ‘fixed’ a game were pure "bravado" on the part of those involved.

The scandal, which centred on teams trying to influence the outcome of matches by selecting favourable referees, came to light as a consequence of investigations by Naples prosecutors into the Italian football agency GEA World.

The subsequent enquiry eventually led to Juventus being demoted to Serie B and Fiorentina, Milan and Lazio being docked points.

Earlier this year, Italian Football Federation (FIGC) investigator Stefano Palazzi claimed that Inter, who had never previously been implicated in the scandal, which saw Juventus stripped of two titles, had also been guilty of sporting fraud.

However, the source who spoke to the Corriere dello Sport was unable to shed any light on the San Siro side's alleged involvement.

When asked if he knew of wire tap recordings which featured Inter officials, he replied: “That they existed, yes, but personally I haven't heard them. I was doing other things..."

When pressed on whether he had heard conversations involving former referee designator Paolo Bergamo and Inter owner Massimo Moratti or former chairman Giacinto Facchetti, he answered: “It's not like you always tap the same ones. And if you don't happen to be there, there's someone else who's listening.”

Last week, some of the most powerful figures involved in Italian football met with the hope of bringing an end to the controversy, which has been hanging over Serie A since 2006.

The 'peace talks' were headed by Italian Olympic Committee (CONI) chief Gianni Petrucci, who was joined by AC Milan vice-president Adriano Galliani, Fiorentina patron Diego Della Valle, Juventus president Andrea Agnelli, Napoli chief Aurelio De Laurentiis, Inter's Massimo Moratti and FIGC chief Giancarlo Abete.

However, after four hours of debate, no significant agreement was reached over the major bones of contention.

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Juventus set to pursue €444 million damages claim over Calciopoli

There are doubts over the impartiality of those who carried out the investigation

into the actions of former Bianconeri general director Luciano Moggi.

Feb 8, 2012

Juventus look set to follow through on their threat to launch a €444 million lawsuit against the Italian Football Association (FIGC).

The Bianconeri have been emboldened in their pursuit of damages by the publication of a 561-page report on the investigation into the Calciopoli scandal which first came to light in 2006 and ultimately resulted in former Juve general director Luciano Moggi sentenced to five years and four months in prison.

The impartiality of those who constructed the case against Moggi has been called into question by the document, while doubt has also been cast over the conduct of prosecutors and judges involved in the legal proceedings.

In addition, the report has, according to La Stampa, strengthened Juve's belief that a clear line should be drawn between the actions of Moggi and those of the club.

The Bianconeri, who were stripped of two Serie A titles and demoted to Serie B for their involvement in the ‘sporting fraud’, are now set to hit the FIGC with a massive claim for damages which could bring down the governing body.

Moggi, who was also banned from football for life because of the scandal, has always protested his innocence of the charges brought against him.

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Luciano Moggi: Inter offered me a contract before Calciopoli

The former Bianconeri chief has insisted that he had the chance to work at the San Siro

outfit before the football scandal and dared Moratti to look at the contract he still owns.

Mar 25, 2012

Ahead of tonight's Derby d'Italia in Turin, former Juventus director Luciano Moggi has repeated the claim that he was offered a position at Inter prior to the Calciopoli scandal.

The 74-year-old has said on numerous occasions that Inter president Massimo Moratti presented him with the chance to become the club's general manager before Calciopoli erupted in 2006, allegations which the Nerazzurri supremo has always denied.

"Moratti said he never thought about me as a director for Inter?," pondered Moggi to Il Giorno.

"He talks through the media, if he feels the need to say so, I will invite him to meet me and I will ask him if he can recognise his signature from the three-year contract."

Inter won five consecutive Scudetti from 2006 to 2010 (the first of these awarded through the courts after Juventus were stripped of two titles and relegated), but have struggled this season and lie in seventh position in the Serie A table.

Prior to that successful period the Nerazzurri had not won the league since 1989, and Moggi has blamed the title drought on the club's raw material.

"They did not win because they bought bad players," Moggi blasted.

Juventus and Inter have become bitter enemies since the scandal, with Bianconeri fans and Moggi adamant that there was a conspiracy against the club. The two sides meet in Turin tonight, with rumours rife that Juve Ultras will continue their Calciopoli protests via their stadium choreography.

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Marotta: 'Juve have 29 titles'

Mar 25, 2012

Juventus general manager Beppe Marotta confirmed “our position on Calciopoli is rigid and intransigent.”

The choreography ahead of tonight’s big match with Inter represented that position on Calciopoli, as 29 different Scudetto symbols were held up around the Juventus Stadium rather than the ‘official’ 27.

There was also a banner: ‘That which we earned on the pitch with sweat, was handed to you in the courts.’

The Bianconeri had the 2004-05 and 2005-06 titles stripped in the Calciopoli trial, the latter handed to Inter.

“Our position on Calciopoli is rigid and intransigent,” stated Marotta on Sky Sport Italia before kick-off.

“We have 29 Scudetti that were won on the field. This is what we wrote at the entrance to the locker room in our stadium. We simply want our rights to be respected.

“Our response will also be to win on the field. After all, our captains always raised trophies to the sky that were legitimately earned.”

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I need the latest news about Juve.

Ho un mio amico che non sa nulla delle ultime su Napoli e del fatto che la Juve puo' reclamare gli scudetti dopo la sentenza

Do you guys have any material in english?

Thanks guys

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Fabio Cannavaro: Juventus have won 30 Scudetti

The retired defender is thrilled to see his former club win the league title again,

and says that he takes into consideration the two titles lost after the Calciopoli scandal.

May 16, 2012

Former Italy international Fabio Cannavaro has said that he considers Juventus' 2011-12 Scudetto is the club's 30th league title.

Official records say that the latest triumph was the Old Lady's 28th league crown, as the 2004-05 and 2005-06 titles were revoked as a result of the Calciopoli trial.

However, Cannavaro is refusing to forget the two Scudetti, while heaping praise on coach Antonio Conte for guiding the club to the title.

"For me, Juventus have 30 Scudetti, I won two and I will defend them," Cannavaro is quoted as saying by Ansa.

"Juve deserved to win the title this year, they had a fantastic season.

"I would like to congratulate Conte, I am happy for him and my former club. I know what it means to win after making so many sacrifices."

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Juventus shirts will not have

third golden star but '30 won on the pitch' motto

The Bianconeri sparked outrage by refusing to acknowledge the fact that they were

stripped of two Scudetti because of their alleged involvement in Calciopoli.

June 8, 2012

Juventus have decided against sewing a third golden star onto their shirts but the words "30 won on the pitch" will appear beneath the club crest.

The Bianconeri lifted the Scudetto last month and angered many of their rivals by revealing that they would put a third gold star on their jerseys in recognition of what they believe is their 30th Serie A title, even though they were stripped of two championships in the Calciopoli scandal.

However, Juve commercial director Francesco Calvo has now revealed that the club has had something of a change of heart.

“The new Juventus shirt will not have the third star on it,” the Bianconeri official told Sky Sport Italia. “Instead, under the club logo, will appear the words: 30 won on the pitch.

"Our shirt represents Juventus and their people. Only the club, along with all the fans, can define our identity.”

Juve lifted the title after becoming only the third side in history to go through an entire Serie A campaign undefeated.

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CONI sure 'Juve will abide by rules'

June 9, 2012

CONI President Gianni Petrucci is “confident Juventus will respect the rules” by placing a new Calciopoli-baiting motto on their shirts.

The Bianconeri had been expected to add a third star to their jerseys for next season, each one representing 10 Scudetti.

This raised huge controversy, as the club was stripped of two titles in the Calciopoli scandal, so have 28 rather than 30.

Instead, Juve announced they will have a motto on the club symbol that reads: ‘30 sul campo’ (30 won on the pitch).

“I know President Andrea Agnelli very well and really respect him as a person,” commented Petrucci, President of the Italian Olympic Committee.

“For this reason I am firmly confident Juventus will respect the rules with whatever it is they’ll do.”

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Conte to be questioned over match-fixing scandal on Friday

The Juventus coach will meet with FIGC prosecutor Stefano Palazzi

in Rome to discuss his alleged knowledge of the Scommessopoli scandal.

Jul 13, 2012

Juventus trainer Antonio Conte travelled to Rome on Thursday evening for a meeting with Italian FA (FIGC) prosecutor Stefano Palazzi on Friday afternoon to discuss his part in Italy's most recent match-fixing probe, Tuttosport reports.

Former Siena player Filippo Carobbio recently stated to the prosecution that Conte had told his players a Serie B match against Novara had been fixed, and the former Italy international will get the chance to defend himself against the accusations at 15:00CET on July 13.

Palazzi will first receive sworn testimonies of 15 people who were present during the meeting where Conte supposedly stated the clash had been fixed, statements that will all contradict Carobbio's revelations.

The FIGC prosecutor will then listen to the people who witnessed an altercation between the current Juventus boss and Carobbio's wife during his spell at Siena.

Conte will be accompanied by his legal team during Friday's meeting, and the 42-year-old is confident that he will be acquitted.

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Juventus boss Conte on trial

Jul 26, 2012

Juventus boss Antonio Conte will face sporting charges of allegedly failing to report attempts to fix two Siena games.

Conte was questioned by the Italian Football Federation’s chief prosecutor earlier this month, after claims were made that he was involved in plans to arrange the outcome of games against Novara and Albinoleffe while in charge of Siena.

While the tactician has been cleared of sporting fraud, he will have to face charges that he was aware of the circumstances around the games.

Conte, if found guilty, could be fined or suspended – with a ban, according to some sources in Italy on Thursday, at around the six-month mark.

The tactician has always maintained his innocence following the accusations made against him by his former player at Siena, Filippo Carobbio.

The FIGC have been investigating the possibility that numerous games have been rigged as part of a numerous betting probes up and down the peninsula.

Juventus defender Leonardo Bonucci and midfielder Simone Pepe have also been caught up in the drama given their time at Bari and Udinese respectively.

Bonucci will face a deferral for sporting fraud, while Pepe will have to prove his innocence after also being accused of failing to report knowledge of attempted match-fixing in reference to a Bari-Udinese tie in 2010.

It is being alleged that Bologna’s Daniele Portanova and Atalanta’s Andrea Masiello could face lengthy bans too.

Clubs such as Lecce, Grosseto and Siena will also be in the dock as they run the risk of a point penalty for the new season.

Those individuals charged with sporting fraud could face lengthy bans if found guilty.

Hearings are set to start on August 2.

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Bonucci risks three-year ban for Scommessopoli involvement

The defender could face a lengthy ban for his role in the match-fixing scandal,

while Antonio Conte and Simone Pepe could also be slapped with suspensions.

Jul 26, 2012

Juventus defender Leonardo Bonucci could face a three-year ban for his role in the Scommessopoli scandal as the Italian FA (FIGC) has announced that the centre-back will face charges of sporting fraud.

The FIGC revealed the names of 44 players and 13 clubs that have been indicted for their part in the match-fixing probe, with Bonucci being one of the high-profile names on the list.

The 25-year-old is believed to have been involved in fixing the result of matches during his spell at Bari in 2009-10.

Furthermore, Juve coach Antonio Conte could be suspended as he faces charges of failing to report two attempts of match-fixing during his time at Siena.

The Scudetto-winning trainer was questioned by the prosecution earlier this summer, and was cleared of sporting fraud. However, Conte is now accused of being aware of attempts to fix the results of the games against Novara and Albinoleffe.

Juventus winger Simone Pepe also faces charges of failing to report attempted match-fixing activities during his stint at Udinese.

Other players who will be judged for their roles in the scandal are Marco Di Vaio, Daniele Portanova and Andrea Masiello.

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