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UEFA Champions League: ai quarti sarà Juventus Barcelona

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9 minuti fa, sangigibuffon ha scritto:


Io sono curioso. Se ti va, postala qui o mandamela tramite mp per favore ;) 



Barca/Real/Bayern won't face eachother in quarters.

Imo, a CL is not rigged in terms that Uefa is helping to Real.
CL is rigged in terms that Uefa will rig draws whenever possible and help with penalties, free kicks, red cards, and 7 minutes injury time to top 2-3 teams whenever possible=for them to reach semis and a final.
I said before, imo, Uefa's dream final is Barca:Real or Barca:Bayern or Real:Bayern in each season (or add an extremely popular English team like Man Utd in the past, or someone like Juve. Atletico is not what Uefa wants in a final).
But also, Uefa don't want to see Barca (or Real) winning it over and over. 
They want some changes and rivalry, not a domination of one team.

About 1/8 and quarters:
1. if Barca is facing Psg/Borussia/Arsenal
= if Barca is leading comfortably=Uefa won't need to intervene (red cards, penalties)
2. if a match is 50:50 in a 2nd leg=Uefa will push Barca/RM/Bayern (penalty kicks, red cards, offsides, free kicks, +7 mins injury time)
3. if Barca is losing 0:1 or 0:2=Uefa will help again
4. if Barca is losing 0:4=well, Uefa can't help then and they won't do anything

I still think that CL is about money and earnings and not about RM.
RM was getting easy draws because Uefa thought that they are weak and that they could have problems, and yet Uefa needed them in semis and in final.
Barca was too strong for 10 years, so Uefa didn't need to give easy draws to Barca, but AM ruined the show for Uefa on the last two occasions.

Anyway, I don't expect:

Also, I don't expect:
Leicester:Borrussia either

Leicester will be paired either with:
Real (probably 80-90% possibility)
If not, Barca or Bayern will imo surely be drawn with Leicester.

About us (Barca), imo, we will play with one out of 5 teams:
Leicester, Borrusia, Monaco, Juve, AM

Uefa won't pair us with Real or Bayern in this moment.

Let's see how our conspiracy theories will end on Friday.



A long post/conspiracy theory incoming with some stats from a CL.

About my previous post above, my theory is still that Uefa will try to "get" their best 2-3 teams into semis WITHOUT facing them before that.
Then in semis and in a final: they won't intervene anymore, it is just football.

I have checked some draws from 2000 till today, there are some interesting patterns:
1999: Final: Man Utd:Bayern 2:1
That means that they won't face eachother in the next season if possible.

2000's draw, 1/4 was the first knockout round back then (we had 2 levels of group stage before that)
1/4: winners Man Utd:Real, Man utd knocked out
-- finalists Bayern faced poor Porto
2000's final: Real vs Valencia. RM was a big team, and Valencia is outsider. That means that in the next season, Uefa will "help" to Real, but won't help to Valencia

-- let's see 2000/01 now:
1/4, Real was drawn with Galatasaray (who would say?)
While Valencia faced Arsenal, with Man Utd, their strongest team back then.
Valencia ruined Uefa's plans and reached CL finals again.

Final: Bayern won against Valencia. According to my theory, Uefa will help to Bayern and Real in the next season, and NOT to Valencia, they don't want "outsiders" in finals too often.

1/4: Bayern was drawn with Real, but but but
-- Bayern finished 2nd in their CL group (2nd level of group stage) behind Man Utd
-- so, Bayern couldn't faced Man Utd since they played in the same group
-- their other possible opponents were group winners Barcelona, Real and Bayer Leverkusen. Iirc, I think that you couldn't play with a team from the same country in quarters
-- and that meant that Bayern could be drawn only against Barca or Real
-- so, Uefa couldn't help too much in that season, Bayern ruined themselves

Real won against Bayern in 1/4s, against Barca in 1/2 semis and against Bayer Leverkusen in a final.
That means that after a few seasons of outsiders in finals (Valencia, Valencia, Leverkusen), Uefa will try to help to Real, Bayern, Man Utd in the next season (at least in quarters where there are lots of easy opponents)
Let's see... 

-- Real ended 2nd in their group and couldn't have played with Milan (their group winners).
Other options were: Barca (not possible, same country), Valencia (same country).
So, Real could have played only against 4th option: Man Utd
Uefa couldn't help here.
Real won, but lost to Juve in semis.
In a final Milan won against Juve.

My prediction: Uefa will try to avoid matches between Real, Bayern, Milan (current winners) in the next season early knockout rounds (Bayern and Real were the biggest teams back then and Milan was a current champion, so Uefa is protecting top 2-3 teams all the time, till semis):

-- champion Milan got the easiest opponent: Sparta Prague (lol)
-- but Bayern and Real were drawn together (!) in the 1/8 this time. (This is the first season without 2 rounds of group stage, and we had 1/8s for the first time)
-- so, this is the only season where Uefa didn't do their "job" in draws (Bayern finished 2nd in their group)
Uefa didn't rig too much, and later Real lost to Monaco in 1/4s and Milan lost to Deportivo in 1/4 in the epic comeback
-- and in a final we had Porto and Monaco
-- my prediction is that Uefa won't protect these outsiders, but only classic big teams: Real, Bayern, Milan in 2004/05

-- Milan was drawn with Man Utd, and won
-- Real (2nd placed) lost to Juve
-- Bayern (even though 2nd placed) played against Arsenal
-- so, once again, biggest 2-3-4 teams didn't face eachother in the 1st round

In a final: Liverpool won against Milan
-- Uefa won't protect Liverpool since they aren't one of the classic big teams.
Uefa will continue to protect Milan, Real. But now a new big team emerged: Barcelona with Ronaldinho and Etoo. From now on, Uefa will protect Barca in opening rounds also.
Imo, Bayern lost their status of "protected" team now.

Let's see:
Barca faced Chelsea and won.
Real (2nd placed in a group) lost against Arsenal.
Milan won against Bayern who wasn't strong and protected anymore.

A new Uefa's favorite, Barca, won against crappy Benfica in 1/4s and easily got to semis.
Then they faced Bayern and Barca won against Arsenal in a final.

In the next season, my prediction: Uefa will help to Barca, Real, Milan as richest teams now. They won't protect Arsenal, Liverpool and similar.
Bayern is not protected anymore either.
Let's see.

Milan faced Celtic
Winners Barca (2nd placed in their group) faced not too strong Liverpool, but lost
Real (2nd placed) faced and lost to Bayern who was mediocre for years.

In a final Milan won against Liverpool.
In the next season, Uefa will again protect Milan and Barca. And possibly Real (who is horrible for years, but needs to be brought back to top, Uefa needs a strong Real).

Real faced Roma (and lost... They couldn't do anything even with all the help back then)
Uefalona Barca (lol) faced Celtic (a predictable draw)
Milan faced Arsenal, and lost.

In a final, Man Utd won against Chelsea.
So, we have a change in top teams now. Uefa will now try to avoid matches between: Barca, Real, CR7's Man Utd, Chelsea and Milan in the opening knockout stage.
Let's see:

Milan didn't play a CL at all
Barca faced Lyon
Real (2nd placed) faced Liverpool (and lost)
New kids: Man Utd with a new star CR7 faced Inter
Chelsea (2nd placed) faced Juve (who returned to Seria A)

Barca won a final against Man Utd, we had Messi vs Cr7 final.
Imo, Uefa will protect Barca, Real, Man Utd and Chelsea again, they are top teams in that moment.

Winners Barca faced Stuttgart (lol)
Real faced Lyon, and lost again (sadly for Uefa)
Man Utd faced poor Milan
Chelsea faced Inter and lost

In a final, Inter won against Bayern.
Now we have a new shift in strength. CR7 is in Real, and they will need a bigger protection. Man Utd is not that popular without a CR7 and they are losing protection.
Chelsea lost Mou, so they are not that popular anymore. Bayern is back again.
So, Barca, CR7's Real and Bayern will surely get huge protection.
While Inter and Chelsea could get a 2nd tier of protection.
But, Barca/Real/Bayern are a MUST from now on.

Let's see:
Barca faced Arsenal and were helped by refs.
Real faced Lyon again and finally won.
Bayern faced Inter and lost, which was a tough draw, but still, Uefa kept their main stars: Barca, Real and Bayern=without facing eachother in the 1st round.

Barca won against Real in semis and against Man U in a final.
Uefa will protect Barca, Real, Bayern and maybe Man Utd.

Barca faced Leverkusen
Real faced CSKA Moscow (CR7's effect)
Bayern faced Basel, lel

Uefa's job was done even later, as always, in 1/4s they avoided matches between their richest teams and:
CR7's RM faced Apoel (Lel)
Bayern faced Marseille
Barca faced Milan

In a final Bayern won agaisnt Chelsea.
In this era, Uefa will again try to protect 3 giants: Messi's Barca, Cr7's Real and Bayern

Barca faced Milan
Real (2nd placed) faced poor Man Utd
Bayern faced Arsenal

In 1/4s, Uefa will try to avoid matches between 3 giants:
Barca vs Psg
Real vs Galatasaray (Cr7's effect again)
Bayern vs Juve
-- after that, 2 out 3 teams have to play together in semis

Bayern won a CL against Borrussia.
Next year Uefa will again protect Barca, Real and Bayern.

Barca vs Man City
Real vs Schalke (Cr7s effect)
Bayern vs Psg 

In quarters, AGAIN there is no way that top3 teams will play together, let's see:
Barca vs Atletico
Real vs Borrusia
Bayern vs Man Utd

Real won a CL against Atletico.
In the next year, Uefa will again protect Barca, Real and Bayern.

Barca vs Man City
Real vs Schalke (lol)
Bayern vs Shakthtar (lol)

In 1/4s, Uefa will do a job AGAIN with avoiding matches between Barca, Real and Bayern, as always:
Barca vs Psg
Real vs Atletico
Bayern vs Porto

Uefa raised the bar even higher and tried to rig a Barca vs Real from this moment, but Real/Juve ruined their plans.
So, it is quite simple: top3 teams will play against weaker teams in 1/8. Then they won't face eachother in 1/4s.
Then, if possible, Barca and Real WON'T face eachother in semis and Uefa dreams about Messi vs Cr7 CL's final.

Barca won against Juve in a final.
In the next year, Uefa will again protect Barca, Real and Bayern only.

Barca vs Arsenal
Real vs Roma
Bayern vs Juve

-- in 1/4s, the same, top teams will NEVER face eachother:
Barca vs Atletico
Real vs Wolfsburg (lol)
Bayern vs Benfica (lol also)

With only RM and Bayern from top teams in semis, of course that they won't face eachother in semis.
In a final, Real won against AM.

2016/17 Uefa will protect Barca, Real, Bayern again.
Barca vs Psg
Real (2nd in a group) vs Napoli (lol)
Bayern (2nd in a group) vs Arsenal

** so, in the last 18 years, UEFA drawn top teams together too early only once, in 2003/04 Real vs Bayern.
In all other 17 season, as seen above, everything was happening EXACTLY according to a plan.
Top 2-3-4 teams in THAT moment are never facing eachother in 1/8s and in 1/4s.
(The only surprise was Barca vs Real semis in 2011)

So, again, imo, Uefa is not helping to Real Madrid.
Uefa is doing this crap since always with top 2-3 teams to whom they are helping with draws and with penalties, red cards and similar.
Money, money, money, more tv viewers, more sponsors.


Al che il tizio credo abbia distrutto gli hard disk nel microonde, preso documenti falsi e fatto perdere le sue tracce...

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Ripeto; abbiamo una squadra di campioni ed un sistema di gioco più che valido. Sono le altre che si devono preoccupare di non incontrarci. Se per puro caso dovessimo incontrare il Barcellona, credo che saremmo in grado di eliminarlo. Siamo entrati nella fase clou della stagione, siamo in crescita esponenziale, fisicamente stiamo benone ed abbiamo una grande fame di vittoria. Mr Allegri e i suoi ragazzi sapranno darci molte soddisfazioni          

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1 ora fa, hiros ha scritto:

il Napule è fuori concorso talmente la potenza...


manco lo mettono...


Il napoli è livello imposiibilissimo!

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quote vincente manifestazione


Barca, Bayern 3,75

Real 5.50

Juventus 9.00

Atletico 11.00

Borussia 12.00

Monaco 17.00

Leicester 34.00



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11 minuti fa, nicolaj198vi ha scritto:


Real (2nd in a group) vs  Napoli (lol)


Valeva la pena di leggere tutto il delirio complottista solo per quel "lol" :261:

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Joined: 31-May-2005
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Breve analisi personale delle 7 papabili concorrenti:


  • Leicester City. Sono per distacco l'organico peggiore del lotto, ma in casa quest'anno hanno sempre vinto senza subire goal. Cacciato Ranieri si sono posti in una posizione abbastanza tranquilla in Premier, per cui possono concentrarsi solo sulla coppa. Mi piacerebbe prendere un'altra squadra per due motivi: c'è il rischio di scendere in campo pensando di essere già passati e poi a questo punto a me piacciono le sfide di alto livello, con squadre nostre pari e l'adrenalina che ti tiene sveglio la notte prima.
  • Barcellona. Dipende molto da loro. Sono da sempre vulnerabili dietro ma hanno un potenziale offensivo forse senza pari nella storia. Allegri con loro fra finali e doppi turni è sempre uscito sconfitto, magari questa sarebbe la volta buona... nel caso, prego che il ritorno sia in casa nostra.
  • Real Madrid. Hanno vinto lo scorso anno e la storia recente dice che nessuno ha mai bissato il successo in Champions. Zidane per me non è nulla di che come allenatore, per cui gliela potremmo anche incartare, ma per loro vale il discorso fatto per il Barcellona al contrario: li abbiamo sempre battuti nei doppi confronti, per la legge dei grandi numeri prima o poi dovranno imporsi loro...
  • Atletico Madrid. Il Cholo penso sia a fine corsa a Madrid. Ma l'Atletico resta comunque a livello di collettivo la più rognosa del lotto, in queste partite ti fanno cacare sangue, e considerate le nostre caratteristiche potrebbero venire fuori due partite orribili in cui minimi episodi fanno la differenza fra qualificazione ed eliminazione.
  • Bayern Monaco. Ancelotti è lo specialista per eccellenza della Champions e il Bayern al completo ha un organico senza pari, con un'infinità di soluzioni. Da parte nostra c'è grande voglia di rivalsa dopo lo scorso anno, ma fra le sette a mio parere sarebbe la peggiore prendibile.
  • Borussia Dortmund. E' una squadra piena di giovani e di giocatori di gamba; spumeggianti davanti, ai limiti dell'allegria dietro. La nostra maggior esperienza e la sagacia tattica tipicamente italiana potrebbe fare la differenza, sarebbe un'ottima pescata.
  • Monaco. Grosso modo vale il discorso fatto per il Dortmund. Hanno un ottima mix di talento, esperienza e gioventù e in Francia stanno facendo grandi cose. Ma Jardim è lo sparagnino di due anni fa, che ci costrinse a due gare tiratissime, o il mago della fase offensiva di quest'anno?

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io desidero tanto tanto tanto  ma tanto sbattere fuori il bayer ma con un punteggio rotondo, con chiellini che annienta robben, alaba bullizzato dallo svizzero e marione che fa tripletta.


e 45 minuti di cori contro ancelotti.



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Derby di Madrid; Baya vs Bar¢a e Juve-Leichester...

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scommetto 100 euro che Barca Real e Bayern non si incroceranno .....

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Borussia  Dortmund.

Ne sono sicuro.



... la squadra cha temo di più  rimane comunque  il Napoli...

Spero  proprio  di non incontrarli.

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Joined: 16-Nov-2006
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10 minuti fa, generazione montero ha scritto:

io desidero tanto tanto tanto  ma tanto sbattere fuori il bayer ma con un punteggio rotondo, con chiellini che annienta robben, alaba bullizzato dallo svizzero e marione che fa tripletta.


e 45 minuti di cori contro ancelotti.



E poi spengi la playstation 

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Bayern Monaco, please.

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1 minuto fa, Shaka ha scritto:

E poi spengi la playstation 


NO NO contro i presuntuosi crucchi bisogna vincere e mazzulare per bene. 





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Just now, IVC said:

Bayern Monaco, please.

L'unica del lotto con cui l'eliminazione e' quasi matematica in due partite.

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44 minuti fa, nicolaj198vi ha scritto:




Al che il tizio credo abbia distrutto gli hard disk nel microonde, preso documenti falsi e fatto perdere le sue tracce...



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Inviato (modificato)

Non capisco chi vorrebbe incontrare ora bayern o barca evocando rivincite quasi certe....datemi il leicester e poi in semifinale la vincente di dortmund/monaco... non scherziamo! Le squadre piu forti meglio affrontarle più avanti possibile!


Modificato da gra70

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L'anno scorso ai quarti c'erano


----2016 ----------------- 2017

Real Madrid ------ Real Madrid

Barcellona -------- Barcellona 

Atletico Madrid---Atletico Madrid

Bayern Monaco---Bayern Monaco

PSG ------------------Juventus

Manchester City---Borussia Dortmund





Il livello mi sembra superiore (anche se di poco) allo scorso anno


Detto ciò spero in una tra Leicester, Monaco e Borussia


Abbiamo 3 avversarie in cui partiremmo favoriti, due con cui partiremmo alla pari, due con cui partiremmo sfavoriti



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1 minuto fa, TorinoGobba_1897 ha scritto:

L'anno scorso ai quarti c'erano


----2016 ----------------- 2017

Real Madrid ------ Real Madrid

Barcellona -------- Barcellona 

Atletico Madrid---Atletico Madrid

Bayern Monaco---Bayern Monaco

PSG ------------------Juventus

Manchester City---Borussia Dortmund





Il livello mi sembra superiore (anche se di poco) allo scorso anno


Detto ciò spero in una tra Leicester, Monaco e Borussia


Abbiamo 3 avversarie in cui partiremmo favoriti, due con cui partiremmo alla pari, due con cui partiremmo sfavoriti




diciamo che delle "sceicche" nessuno sente la mancanza

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Sarà una Champions  più povera senza  il bel gioco del Napuli

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Adesso, ●Cawapittauaha● ha scritto:

Sarà una Champions  più povera senza  il bel gioco del Napuli



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1 minuto fa, ●Cawapittauaha● ha scritto:

Sarà una Champions  più povera senza  il bel gioco del Napuli


Senza ombra di dubbio.. :sisi:

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Joined: 03-Mar-2017
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Adesso, gra70 ha scritto:

Non capisco chi vorrebbe incontrare ora bayern o barca evocando rivincite quasi certe....datemi il leicester e poi in semifinale la vincente di dortmund/monaco... non scherziamo! Le squadre piu forti meglio affrontarle più avanti possibile!


Sicuramente. Leicester, Borussia D. o Monaco... e facciamo una preghierina

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Senza ombra di dubbio.. :sisi:

Sono inferiori solo al Barcellona( quando sta in forma) e al Bayern.. poteva essere il loro anno :(

Inviato da casa di Zia Pappazzuga

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E invece dovremo accontentarci del catenaccio dell'atletico :(

Inviato da casa di Zia Pappazzuga

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12 minuti fa, Tatanka34 ha scritto:


diciamo che delle "sceicche" nessuno sente la mancanza



Però il PSG doveva passare con il Barca, maledetti...

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