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[ E. B. A. T. ] - Essere Bianconeri a Torino

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Joined: 09-Jan-2010
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57 minuti fa, ALAIN ha scritto:

Dannato smartphone e dannatissimo navigatore !

Me l'ha editato in triplice copia, manco fosse un documento ufficiale !

Tutta colpa del topo ! Porta sfiga anche agli aggeggi tecnologici !



Copio e incollo da un post su toponius di qualche mese fa:


0,58 € = il prezzo pagato dai GDM per il loro cesso di stadio


'Nuff said... .oddio

Modificato da Boia faus!

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ma da quanto tempo una squadra in Italia non vinceva 5 a 1 in casa?


fatelo sapere ad Hart che si precipita a giocare con martinez e vivves 

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11 ore fa, Maidomi ha scritto:

Articolo sul Mirror sul possibile passaggio di Hart al topo. Ecco come vengono descritti:


"Turin's 'other' club, Torino exist in the shadow of neighbours Juventus, who have won the last five Serie A championships.

They finished 12th in Italy's top flight last season and opened the new campaign last weekend with a 3-2 defeat away to AC Milan."


l' "altro" club di Torino esiste nell'ombra della Juve.... Un modo elegante per descrivere cosa realmente sono: IRRELEVANT SMALL CLUB... :haha:

Ovviamente i tremendisti di fogna news non l'hanno presa bene e vogliono "inondare" il Mirror di mails... :haha:

L'ombra di mordor :haha:


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Pensavo che si riferissero al valore della loro società !

Infatti penso che pagare 0,58 euro ed avere la sede del topo (mobili di seconda mano e in plastica inclusi) più il formaggiodromo e ovviamente il gruppo di spiantat....ehm...giocatori, sia un prezzo più che congruo ! :sisi:

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5 gol, ragazzi


e si prendono anche il lusso di sbagliare i rigori



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Adesso, E.T. ha scritto:

5 gol, ragazzi


e si prendono anche il lusso di sbagliare i rigori




E' sempre la solita storia: piangono perché non gli danno i rigori e poi ne hanno due in due partite e li sbagliano.


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Adesso, Boia faus! ha scritto:


E' sempre la solita storia: piangono perché non gli danno i rigori e poi ne hanno due in due partite e li sbagliano.



lo fanno per continuare a piangere .sisi 

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Il 26/8/2016 alle 18:53 , poborskiforever ha scritto:




4 ore fa, Boia faus! ha scritto:

Vediamo se indovino il contenuto delle mail in 10 punti:



1. Superga

2. caduti vari da Meroni a Ferrini

3. la Giuve rrubba

4. gli arbitri

5. gli Agnelli e la MaFiat vogliono farli sparire da Torino

6. a torino sono due milioni, tutti piemontesissimi, anche culicchia, e gobbi a Torino non ce ne sono

7. la Giuve rrubba

8. 0,58 €

9. la Giuve rrubba

10. gnftrthtmrgh


=D punto 10 mi sembra un po' troppo elaborato per le loro menti bacate.

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Joined: 01-Jun-2005
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Articolo sul Mirror sul possibile passaggio di Hart al topo. Ecco come vengono descritti:


"Turin's 'other' club, Torino exist in the shadow of neighbours Juventus, who have won the last five Serie A championships.

They finished 12th in Italy's top flight last season and opened the new campaign last weekend with a 3-2 defeat away to AC Milan."


l' "altro" club di Torino esiste nell'ombra della Juve.... Un modo elegante per descrivere cosa realmente sono: IRRELEVANT SMALL CLUB... :haha:

Ovviamente i tremendisti di fogna news non l'hanno presa bene e vogliono "inondare" il Mirror di mails... :haha:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA me li vedo tutti livorosi paonazzi col fiatone mentre creano mail temporanee per arrivare almeno a quindici .isterico

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Joined: 19-Nov-2011
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13 ore fa, Maidomi ha scritto:

Articolo sul Mirror sul possibile passaggio di Hart al topo. Ecco come vengono descritti:


"Turin's 'other' club, Torino exist in the shadow of neighbours Juventus, who have won the last five Serie A championships.

They finished 12th in Italy's top flight last season and opened the new campaign last weekend with a 3-2 defeat away to AC Milan."


l' "altro" club di Torino esiste nell'ombra della Juve.... Un modo elegante per descrivere cosa realmente sono: IRRELEVANT SMALL CLUB... :haha:

Ovviamente i tremendisti di fogna news non l'hanno presa bene e vogliono "inondare" il Mirror di mails... :haha: dopo il 5-1 rifilato ieri sera ora sono meno in ombra .bah  

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"Topo 2005 f.c exist in the shadow of neighbours Juventus"


inondiamo di email il giornale della perfida Albione per far correggere il nome della società cagata 

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Joined: 09-Jan-2010
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"Dear Mirror,

Turin is granat and will always stay granat.

Your jurnalist is so stupid that he should write on Tuttosport. He does not understand the history of Philadelphia, the trumpet player of the Marathon curve and the Invincibles that play with the angels in heaven.

We have players invested by the future president while they cross the road.

We go to the hill of Superga every year because if not the Lambs will make Torino disappear. The MaFiat pays the referees to not give us penalties. Giuventus should be in fourth division after Moggi was found with the hands in the marmalade. Giuventus robs. Specially the derbies.

Giuventus has a stadium gratis and we do not even have signs on the highway. This is not just!

Torino is granat and the only giuventus supporters are arabs coming to town for the Book Fair.

We can march in the streets in 2 milions if we want. We can buy the Hart's shirt in 20 or 30 like we already did with the Immobile's shirt. If tickets price is one euro we can go to the stadium in 15 thousands, think a little.

If you don't ask us excuse, we will sing "who does not jump is a mirror!" and we stop listening to the Beatles.


Force old heart granat!"


Quasi quasi la mando sul serio..... .penso



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Joined: 08-Dec-2010
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23 minuti fa, Boia faus! ha scritto:

"Dear Mirror,

Turin is granat and will always stay granat.

Your jurnalist is so stupid that he should write on Tuttosport. He does not understand the history of Philadelphia, the trumpet player of the Marathon curve and the Invincibles that play with the angels in heaven.

We have players invested by the future president while they cross the road.

We go to the hill of Superga every year because if not the Lambs will make Torino disappear. The MaFiat pays the referees to not give us penalties. Giuventus should be in fourth division after Moggi was found with the hands in the marmalade. Giuventus robs. Specially the derbies.

Giuventus has a stadium gratis and we do not even have signs on the highway. This is not just!

Torino is granat and the only giuventus supporters are arabs coming to town for the Book Fair.

We can march in the streets in 2 milions if we want. We can buy the Hart's shirt in 20 or 30 like we already did with the Immobile's shirt. If tickets price is one euro we can go to the stadium in 15 thousands, think a little.

If you don't ask us excuse, we will sing "who does not jump is a mirror!" and we stop listening to the Beatles.


Force old heart granat!"


Quasi quasi la mando sul serio..... .penso



Giuventus robs :haha::haha::haha:

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Joined: 03-Jun-2006
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1 hour ago, Boia faus! said:

"Dear Mirror,

Turin is granat and will always stay granat.

Your jurnalist is so stupid that he should write on Tuttosport. He does not understand the history of Philadelphia, the trumpet player of the Marathon curve and the Invincibles that play with the angels in heaven.

We have players invested by the future president while they cross the road.

We go to the hill of Superga every year because if not the Lambs will make Torino disappear. The MaFiat pays the referees to not give us penalties. Giuventus should be in fourth division after Moggi was found with the hands in the marmalade. Giuventus robs. Specially the derbies.

Giuventus has a stadium gratis and we do not even have signs on the highway. This is not just!

Torino is granat and the only giuventus supporters are arabs coming to town for the Book Fair.

We can march in the streets in 2 milions if we want. We can buy the Hart's shirt in 20 or 30 like we already did with the Immobile's shirt. If tickets price is one euro we can go to the stadium in 15 thousands, think a little.

If you don't ask us excuse, we will sing "who does not jump is a mirror!" and we stop listening to the Beatles.


Force old heart granat!"


Quasi quasi la mando sul serio..... .penso



Spettacolare ! Force old FART granat ...


E che dire di Gianni Dragoni del Sole che ha osato scrivere sull'edizione online estera del Sole che:



"The Stadio Filadelfia, the sports facility made famous by Torino FC, is being resurrected, and the construction work has already begun. The project has been promoted by the Fondazione Stadio Filadelfia, whose founders are the city of Turin, the Piedmont Region, the Torino FC Spa and different fan associations of the team, the second club in Turin after the Juventus FC.


:haha: Altre fitte apoplettiche per i tremendisti doc....

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Allora scrivo anche al Sole24Ore.... :sisi:

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Hart al topo in prestito


 non so voi , ma io rosiko  .oo

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Caro Hart preparati ad altre umiliazioni simili:sventola:

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Questo gioca sempre bene contro di noi, però... bisogna dirlo... a Torino in champions fece miracoli.. e pur di non far segnare Morata si è spaccato l'inguine

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4112 messaggi topo vale di più del Manchester City....

Continuano a farsi di funghi allucinogeni !!! sefz

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7 ore fa, krasnojarsk ha scritto:

certo come no... 


anche trasferirsi dal PSG alla Pro Vercelli .asd


...e all'ombra della Juve, secondo il Mirror... :sisi:

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Joined: 10-Jun-2005
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16 ore fa, Boia faus! ha scritto:

"Dear Mirror,

Turin is granat and will always stay granat.

Your jurnalist is so stupid that he should write on Tuttosport. He does not understand the history of Philadelphia, the trumpet player of the Marathon curve and the Invincibles that play with the angels in heaven.

We have players invested by the future president while they cross the road.

We go to the hill of Superga every year because if not the Lambs will make Torino disappear. The MaFiat pays the referees to not give us penalties. Giuventus should be in fourth division after Moggi was found with the hands in the marmalade. Giuventus robs. Specially the derbies.

Giuventus has a stadium gratis and we do not even have signs on the highway. This is not just!

Torino is granat and the only giuventus supporters are arabs coming to town for the Book Fair.

We can march in the streets in 2 milions if we want. We can buy the Hart's shirt in 20 or 30 like we already did with the Immobile's shirt. If tickets price is one euro we can go to the stadium in 15 thousands, think a little.

If you don't ask us excuse, we will sing "who does not jump is a mirror!" and we stop listening to the Beatles.


Force old heart granat!"


Quasi quasi la mando sul serio..... .penso




:haha:fantastica :haha:


We can march in the streets in 2 milions if we want:haha::haha:


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ti sei superato Boia Faus !



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