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Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione

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Joined: 06-Sep-2006
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interessante, ora dò un'occhiata .asd

anche se le migliori rimangono queste per me

in particolare la numero 1 è lei ( si chiama chelsea ( .bahsefz ))

E grazie al ca...! Vuoi mettere la tradizione statunitense con quella inesistente del calcio europeo. Negli USA la cheerleader è una professione praticamente .asd immagina solo in quante possano essersi presentate per il casting a Dallas o a Miami e a quante invece nella sede del Palace sefz

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Joined: 06-Sep-2006
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Addirittura un'umiliazione?? No dai.. :|

Ho visto che alla fine, Jo quasi neanche voleva festeggiare tanto era il rispetto x il maestro :sisi:

Senti ma secondo te il suo nuovo allenatore lo ha aiutato parecchio? Lo vedo un po' più sicuro a livello mentale, poi tecnicamente leggevo dei commenti in cui si diceva che sta migliorando molto il rovescio.

Tommy Haas ti piace? Per me fino ad ora il miglior giocatore del torneo, mi sa che Nole domani faticherà un po'..

Ferrer come sta messo? E' in forma?

E come vuoi definirla se non un'umiliazione. Quella è stata purtroppo. La non esultanza nasce proprio, oltre che dal rispetto che Tsonga come tutti giustamente nutrono per Roger, dalla mancanza di equilibrio, di pathos, di lotta, di incertezza. Più la partita è dura più esulti alla fine, ieri era finita dopo il primo set.

Il rovescio è migliorato poco, è sempre il colpo debole. Magari ora lo gioca un po' più profondo per tenere lontano l'avversario e avere poi il tempo di girarsi sul dritto.

Comunque ha certamente una grande occasione. Semifinale RG con Ferrer non so se gli ricapiterà mai (oltre al fatto che Nadal e Djokovic, dovessero mai arrivarci, potrebbero scannarsi nell'altra semifinale). Certo bisogna vedere come approccia il match. Perchè nell'immaginario collettivo contro Federer uno Tsonga parte sempre sfavorito e senza nulla da perdere, contro Ferrer seppur indietro nel ranking tutti pensano possa giocarsela. Per me è favorito lo spagnolo però vedremo.

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Joined: 06-Sep-2006
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mi intrometto un secondo: Haas ha avuto solo la sfiga di avere più infortuni che fighe (sempre stato molto appetito

dal pubblico femminile worldwide) sarebbe altrimenti stato lassù in cima del ranking con continuità. :sisi: ormai ultratrentenne

ha trovato un po' di pace, ora si diverte.

ha un rovescio da favola ed a ad una mano sola (ormai solo lui e King Roger). .rulez

P.s. la seconda maglia dei reds fa cacare :S

No ma come??? Ma se appena due giorni fa c'è stata la partita più bella dell'anno finora con in campo due rovesci ad una mano .asd ma poi ce ne sono tanti ancora... Youznhy Almagro Dimitrov Kohlschreiber solo i primi che mi vengono in mente.

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Joined: 06-Sep-2006
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Nelle prossime ore l'ufficialità di Martinez all'Everton. I due club hanno raggiunto l'accordo sulla buonuscita per liberare l'allenatore vincitore dell'ultima FA Cup.

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Joined: 22-Jan-2010
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Sarà interessante vedere l'Everton iniziare a giocare con 4000 passaggi a partita(senza tirare in porta o quasi, Wigan docet)dopo un decennio di lancioni e palloni alti. sefz

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Joined: 06-Sep-2006
6178 messaggi

Sarà interessante vedere l'Everton iniziare a giocare con 4000 passaggi a partita(senza tirare in porta o quasi, Wigan docet)dopo un decennio di lancioni e palloni alti. sefz

Per me può far bene. Gli serve una punta (Jelavic mi sembra si sia un po' fermato) e qualcosina in difesa magari. Soprattutto se Moyes si porta Baines allo United.

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Joined: 05-May-2008
2998 messaggi

No ma come??? Ma se appena due giorni fa c'è stata la partita più bella dell'anno finora con in campo due rovesci ad una mano .asd ma poi ce ne sono tanti ancora... Youznhy Almagro Dimitrov Kohlschreiber solo i primi che mi vengono in mente.

non li paragono per talento ai due da me citati, avvicino solo il primo.

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Joined: 05-May-2008
2998 messaggi

ma Bramble che critica Di Canio?

lui, il tronco con le gambe, uomo che se la tecnica fosse cibo sarebbe anoressico!

2 braccia rubate ai porti del Northumberland e 2 ferri da stiro ai piedi che manco

i miei due usati come portafiori... .oddio

lo trovate dappertutto in rete, qui una fonte^headlines

avrai giocato sotto grandi managers ma non hai imparato niente!

scusate lo sfogo ma certe cose GRRRRR...

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Joined: 23-Apr-2011
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Inviato (modificato)

City close in on £22m Fernandinho as Brazilian arrives for Manchester medical

bah. dopo i 20 di javi garcia per me altri soldi buttati

salutano ufficialmente squillaci denilson e lo zar Arshavin .uff


Andrej @@

di ibra e ronaldo il fenomeno sapevo, ma di yaya e addirittura drogba non lo sapevo :|

Modificato da Nicklas Bendtner

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Joined: 13-Jun-2005
21834 messaggi

salutano ufficialmente squillaci denilson e lo zar Arshavin .uff


Andrej @@

Giocatore dal talento SMISURATO e personaggio un po' fuori dalle righe, è stato uno dei miei preferiti.. Ovviamente ho anche la sua maglietta..

Agli euro 2008 impazzivo x lui e la sua Russia, vinceva le partite praticamente da solo. Un piccolo genio, e come quasi tutti quelli della sua stoffa, tanta classe e anche molta sregolatezza. Diciamo cosi': piuttosto che garantire la quantità (intesa come numero di partite giocate ad alto livello) ha sempre scelto la qualità (poche ma buone, alcune direi eccezionali). I suoi 4 gol ad Anfield resteranno nella storia dell'Arsenal, del Liverpool e della Premier League. Scusate se è poco..


di ibra e ronaldo il fenomeno sapevo, ma di yaya e addirittura drogba non lo sapevo :|

Eh si Drog è sempre stata la maledizione di Wenger, ha sempre fatto soffrire paurosamente i Gunners.. Anche in quel caso, ci aveva visto giusto ma purtroppo non si può sempre scommettere su tutto e tutti..

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Joined: 13-Jun-2005
21834 messaggi

ma Bramble che critica Di Canio?

lui, il tronco con le gambe, uomo che se la tecnica fosse cibo sarebbe anoressico!

2 braccia rubate ai porti del Northumberland e 2 ferri da stiro ai piedi che manco

i miei due usati come portafiori... .oddio

lo trovate dappertutto in rete, qui una fonte^headlines

avrai giocato sotto grandi managers ma non hai imparato niente!

scusate lo sfogo ma certe cose GRRRRR...

Hop altro che scusate, sei DELIZIOSO :261::261::261:

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Joined: 05-May-2008
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Joined: 13-Jan-2010
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cosa fa michu?



.rotfl .rotfl

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Joined: 06-Sep-2006
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Oh tutti i torti non ce l'ha .asd

Comunque non si sa. Pare che Laudrup non sia molto contento del budget messogli a disposizione e potrebbe anche prendere decisioni clamorose. Se il danese rimane per me rimane anche Michu. C'erano state voci su un possibile interessamento dell'Arsenal, ma al momento restano solo rumours.

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Joined: 23-Apr-2011
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Eight years, no trophies, but Gazidis reveals he wants Wenger to agree new Arsenal deal


PUBLISHED: 13:00 GMT, 6 June 2013 | UPDATED: 13:22 GMT, 6 June 2013





Arsenal chief executive Ivan Gazidis has confirmed he wants Arsene Wenger to extend his contract beyond the end of next season.

Wenger's current deal expires next year and he has been in demand from other top clubs, not least in his native France, where Paris St Germain and his former club Monaco are rich from overseas investment.

There were rumblings of dissent among supporters at the Emirates last season leading to speculation that the 63-year-old Frenchman might seek a fresh challenge after what will be nearly 18 years at the club, but Arsenal's chief executive expects him to stay.


Sign him up! Gazidis (below, left) wants the French boss to extend his deal with Arsenal beyond next summer


'We think we have got a fantastic manager,' said Gazidis. 'We hope he wants to do what he is doing for the long term. I believe he does. I think he is still ambitious, still driven and sees the potential of the club as he looks forward and I think he is very excited by that.

'We have a great relationship and he has a great relationship with the board. So, quietly and at the right time I think we will make an announcement on that when things are all put in place.

'We have got a lot of confidence in Arsene that he is the right person to take the club forward and I think he will want to do that. This is going to happen very quietly behind closed doors, privately and then there will be an announcement.'

Wenger joined the Gunners in October 1996, winning the title in his first full season and qualifying for the Champions League in every year since but he has not won a trophy wince Arsenal won the FA Cup in 2005.

'This is a club that has had remarkable consistency in terms of its manager, football philosophy and support from the board and our principal owner for the manager,' said Gazidis.

'It is pretty much unmatched, through some difficult periods as well. So if it is consistency players are looking for, Arsenal would be a very attractive place to come.'

The Gunners finished last season in fourth, 17 points behind champions Manchester United. They were embarrassed by Bradford and Blackburn in the domestic cup competitions and beaten on away goals in the Champions League by eventual Bayern Munich.

There has been dissent among some sections of the fans, who believe it is time for change at the club.

'We want to be competing at the top of the game and in order to do that you have to be in the Champions League,' said Gazidis. 'So we are pleased to qualified, or at least, for the qualification games. But it is not ultimately where we want to be with moving the club forward.

'We want to be a club that is competing at the very top end of the game and that means competing to win the Premier League and competing to win the Champions League. On that basis, we are not where we want to be yet.


Champions League regulars: Arsenal finished fourth at Spurs' expense to qualify for Europe's top competition

'It is not idle ambition when we talk about wanting to get there. I think we have a very solid plan that will give us the ability to be able to compete at that level provided we do things well.'

The board insist the club will become more financially competitive having secured lucrative sponsorship deals for their shirts and the stadium and a new deal for Puma to take over from Nike as kit suppliers next year.

'The stadium move has meant we have tied in a lot of our commercial deals to it which has put us behind the game,' Gazidis added. 'The critical thing now as we look ahead over the next season and the season after is our developing financial capability which will give us a lot more options than in recent years.


Non-mover: Wenger has been at the helm at the north London club since 1996


'We think we have got a fantastic manager who has seen us through moving to a new stadium, which is for many clubs a difficult period, and who is the right person to make the kinds of choices and decisions that we are going to have over this really significant period of the club's development. So we are feeling very optimistic.

'The club is on a good path. We have been through a difficult and in some ways disappointing season which ended satisfactorily. But we are not crowing about that. We are looking ahead and to how we can push forward.

Premier League hits the jackpot! English division which made £2.4bn is strides ahead of Bundesliga and Co

The Premier League has streaked clear of its rivals at the top of Europe’s money charts, boosted by record television deals which generated £2.4billion in the last financial year.

Nearest challenger the Bundesliga trailed by almost £1bn, according to the annual report by accountants Deloitte.

Manchester United alone were responsible for £320m of revenue, while eight clubs made a profit during 2011-12.


Tour de force: Stars like Robin van Persie have propelled the Premier League to the top of the charts

However, net debt among the top 20 clubs stands at £2.4bn, with almost a third of that figure owed to Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich, who has a ‘soft loan’ of £895m outstanding.

Half the clubs in the Premier League are still making losses despite record overall revenues.

The Deloitte Annual Review of Football Finance 2013 says the extra TV cash plus new spending controls could have significant beneficial effects for top-flight and Championship clubs if it is managed properly.

From August, clubs in the Premier League will receive an extra £25m on average each year from the new TV contracts, and for most clubs that could wipe out their losses. Relegated clubs will also receive up to £60m in parachute payments.


Net debt: Roman Abramovich is owed £895m in soft loan form

The Deloitte report predicts player wage costs will rise considerably with the new TV money coming in - but says that clubs should keep that rise to respectable levels.

'Achieving a more sustainable balance between their costs and revenues and thereby generating more profits provides opportunities or, some might say, a culture shock for clubs,' says the report.

'Increased profitability will allow greater longer-term investment in stadia and training infrastructure, youth development and community programmes.'

Premier League clubs' revenue reached a record £2.36bn in 2011-12, but most of that increase went on wages - up 4 per cent - to remain 70 per cent of total turnover.

In the Championship, the picture is even more alarming with only five of the 24 clubs finishing in the black and overall 90 per cent of all revenue going on wages.


Cash splash: Man City made the greatest annual loss - nearly £100m

Alan Switzer, director in the sports business group at Deloitte, said: 'It's fair to say some Championship clubs are rolling the dice and gambling on getting into the Premier League.

'The financial regulations the Football League has brought in seek to address that, and if the losses are above the allowed limit then the club will have an embargo on transfers.'

The top five clubs by revenue in 2011=12 were United, Chelsea (£261m), Arsenal (£235m), Manchester City (£231m), and Liverpool (£189m).

Manchester City also made the greatest annual loss, £97.9m, down significantly from the £197.5m of the previous 12 months.



London's 15 league clubs had combined revenue of almost £900m, 30 per cent of the £3bn total generated by all 92 clubs.

Three clubs from London featured in the top six Premier League clubs by 2011/12 revenue - Chelsea (£261m, 2nd), Arsenal (£235m, 3rd), and Tottenham (£144m, 6th).

The London clubs employed over 2,700 full-time members of staff.

Chelsea had the second highest wage costs (£173m) in Premier League, overtaken by Manchester City, Arsenal (£143m, 4th) and Tottenham (£94m, 6th) were also both among the top spenders on wages.

Three of the top five most used Premier League stadia for league matches were in London - Tottenham (99.5 per cent), Arsenal (99.4 per cent) and Fulham (98. per cent).

More than 6.5m people in the capital attended professional club matches.


Four clubs from the north west are in the top 10 by revenue: Manchester United (£320m, 1st); Manchester City (£231m, 4th); Liverpool (£189m, 5th); and Everton (£81m, 8th).

The region's 19 league clubs generated revenue of over £1billion, 35 per cent of the £3bn total.

Manchester United again had the highest operating profit of £84m. Manchester City's operating loss of £21m was greatly reduced from the previous season, but was still the second highest in the Premier League.

Manchester City (1st), Manchester United (3rd) and Liverpool (5th) are all among the division's top spenders on wages.

More than 7.5million people in the region attended professional club matches.


The Midlands' 15 League clubs had combined revenue of over £400m, equivalent to 13 per cent of the total.

Aston Villa (£80m, 9th) featured in the top 10 clubs by revenue.

Wolves (£9.4m), West Brom (£6.5m), and Stoke (£5.8m) all made operating profits. Aston Villa's operating loss of £33m was the highest in the division.

More than 5million people in the region attended professional club matches.


The north east's three Premier League and Championship clubs - Newcastle, Sunderland and Middlesbrough - generated combined revenue of £190m, 6 per cent of the total at the 92 league clubs.

Newcastle's revenue of £93m was enough to make the 2013 Deloitte Football Money League Top 20.

Sunderland's revenue of £78m was a marginal 2 per cent decrease on revenue in the previous season. Newcastle's revenue of £93m represented a 5 per cent increase from 2010/11.

Newcastle and Middlesbrough both enjoyed growth in average league match attendances, with increases of 5 per cent and 7 per cent respectively.

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Joined: 02-Nov-2007
44754 messaggi

sul piano strategico-economico l arsenal è un grandissimo club

sul piano sportivo si sono ridotti a crescere talenti per gli altri, li ho presi in forte antipatia per questo. l'arsenal degli invincibili era una macchina da guerra, zio porcone, e in pochissimo tempo passano dall'elite all'allevamento di talenti da rivendere

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Joined: 05-May-2008
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a lot of revenues but profits or even?

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Joined: 13-Jun-2005
21834 messaggi

Ma secondo voi è possibile, come riportato in questo articolo, che Fernandinho ha firmato x il City x TRENTAQUATTRO!!! milioni di sterline???

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Joined: 13-Jun-2005
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Una bella iniziativa del Liverpool: festeggiare con un'amichevole quello che sarebbe stato il centesimo compleanno di BILL SHANKLY, un manager leggendario.. Forse il più grande di sempre del Regno Unito :sisi:


"Some people think football is a matter of life and death.

I don't like that attitude.

I can assure them it is much more important than that."


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Ma secondo voi è possibile, come riportato in questo articolo, che Fernandinho ha firmato x il City x TRENTAQUATTRO!!! milioni di sterline???

Poi offrono 20 milioni per marchisio... Da ridere

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Joined: 13-Jun-2005
21834 messaggi

Bello, niente da dire :sisi:

Quando la gente critica gli sceicchi e tutto quello che fanno dovrebbero anche tenere conto di queste cose qua

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