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Noel Gallagher

Qui cerchiamo di parlare di Wrestling ma siamo d'accordo nel dire Paige e Sasha vi amiamo

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Joined: 15-Feb-2008
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E gia iniziano i cori let's go roman(ragazzine sopratutto)e roman sucks .asd

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Joined: 03-Mar-2007
21374 messaggi

E gia iniziano i cori let's go roman(ragazzine sopratutto)e roman sucks .asd


cmq è grandisioso come vogliano imporci reigns con la forza...

fanno tutte queste campagne contro il bullismo, quando alla fine sotto certi aspetti, è la stessa wwe a farlo sefz

sempre più convinto che quella pipebom del ragazzo di Chicago fosse  più uno shoot che un work :haha:

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Joined: 15-Feb-2009
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E gia iniziano i cori let's go roman(ragazzine sopratutto)e roman sucks .asd

come dice idio è diventato il nuovo john sina ma (e mi duole dirlo) ha un decimo del suo talento e della sua preparazione.

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Joined: 03-Mar-2007
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come dice idio è diventato il nuovo john sina ma (e mi duole dirlo) ha un decimo del suo talento e della sua preparazione.


infatti non scherziamo, John è fischiato solo perchè quei cogl1oni del creative team e di vince mcmahon hanno fatto diventare il suo personaggio stantio...

ma in quanto a tecnica e mic skills, Cena è tra i primi 3 in wwe .sisi

quanto mi manca il gangsta rapper che era, con catenacci e tirapugni d'ottone .asd

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Joined: 15-Feb-2008
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Comunque essere fischiato da un pubblico altamente mark(entrata cena più combo russia hanno fatto un ovazione vecchi tempi per cena)fa capire che c'è qualcosa che non va..

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Che match Neville vs Kidd

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Joined: 31-Jan-2008
35220 messaggi

Sui social sta girando una foto con uno incappucciato in prima fila .asd


Mi sa che torna Orton mh


Come non detto .asd

Modificato da juventino93

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Joined: 15-Feb-2009
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Si saranno destati dall'ignoranza? .asd


Reigns a fast lane batterà in maniera pulita Bryan per ripulirsi l'immagine ma in realtà avranno il risultato opposto

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Reigns a fast lane batterà in maniera pulita Bryan per ripulirsi l'immagine ma in realtà avranno il risultato opposto

Credo anche io... Spero esploda una rivolta popolare .asd

Poi ce li voglio a costruire un feud tra due superstar tripla A come

Ziggy e Bryan

in sole tra settimane...

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Joined: 15-Feb-2008
22489 messaggi

Mah..come la vedi in qualsiasi lato è da mah.


Qualsiasi opzione finale per questo match è una minchiata,far perdere Bryan per interferenza cazzata,far vincere Reigns dopo match fatto da Bryan cazzata,Match fatto da Reigns..ti ridono in faccia.

Se proprio dovevi fare questa tipologia di match mandagli rollins.

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Joined: 15-Feb-2008
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ith the plug out of the way, Austin got right into the controversy of the Royal Rumble, mentioning the crowd wanting Daniel Bryan to win over Roman. Austin asked HHH about the fan's response, mentioning kayfabe dying. He asked Hunter about booking against what the crowd obviously wants. HHH mentioned people being smarter to the internal workings of the business, inferring that the vocal minority were protesting Roman because they saw he was the picked guy. HHH spoke about heel towns and babyface towns, as well as Austin himself being a heel basically, and said that the days of a storyline being a true storyline as written is gone. Fans will make their own storylines, basically, going opposite directions to what they're given. He said that as many towns that boo Roman, there are more towns that cheer him. It was a deflection from the real point, and a winded answer, but not entirely off subject.
Austin brought up how none of the fans reaction is really Roman's fault, as he's just going to work. Hunter said that the plans are based on one man calling the shots, Vince McMahon. Hunter said the Royal Rumble winner was debated, but Vince made the call. No one's perfect, but they choose what is best for the time.

Austin asked if tonight's Raw was a result of Vince and HHH having their finger on the pulse, with Bryan back in the main picture. HHH said a direct Yes. Going further, he said smart bookers react to the crowd's response. They can work the direction, making people think they're going back to what the crowd wanted.

Trips says it is more difficult now to find the guy that the WWE Universe will want, because the fanbase is so diverse. It was easier in attitude era. Triple H brought up dirt sheets, and how in some ways, newspapers and major blogs have reporters with inside info so dirt sheets are almost everything now. He brought up Grantland specifically. Wrestling insider info crosses over moreso than ever.

Austin asked if people are more interested in behind the scenes than the program on TV these days. HHH says that is the case when the story isn't told well.

To bring it back, Austin mentioned that people want to go on the ride. They want to care about the story, not always the inside. HHH said that's the goal. The reality era says that WWE is "pushing" Roman, and "holding back" Daniel. Telling the story well is the goal to get people off that. He brought up Mania 30, how the story changed because things changed along the way. They have to work the reality, basically.

Hunter brought up how that once a direction becomes evident, that people want to get involved. People start getting in everyone's ear, saying that the talent have to filter those comments to find what is best for them. He says people have to trust their gut. The talk was based on Roman's push, but was in general for anyone.

The story keeps going, and Hunter couldn't see the future with Bryan's neck injury. They just had to go through it live, because the story never ends. The day after Mania, they have to keep going.

Austin brought up doing research on Hunter, as well as asking HHH when he thought he was ready to be the guy. HHH replied he thought he was ready in 1996, but the time came later.

Austin started going into HHH's career, the early days on. With HHH marrying Stephanie, Austin asked if Hunter had an exit strategy to the in ring business. HHH says not so much, but he was bothered when people said that if he never married Steph his career would have been different. He said Undertaker got in his ear, saying HHH shouldn't worry about talk. Hunter said the criticism bothered him, but Hunter would still be in the same role no matter whether he married Steph or not. He would have worked just as hard to get where he is, including a behind the scenes role.

On the subject of falling in love with behind the scenes of the business, Triple H brought up getting "jazzed" working with NXT in Florida. I get jazzed, too. He says that NXT is his thing, and he's excited to make it his thing and see how it grows.

Triple H isn't doing the creative and NXT stuff because he has to, but rather because he loves the business. Austin called him a "lifer" as a positive term.

Twitter Question: Is it more beneficial for talent to go through indies or the WWE Performance Center? HHH says it depends on the guy. The indies are great, but when guys come to his team, they have to run his playbook. The performance center gets people in the WWE way of doing things. I spoke with Bill DeMott when I visited the center, and he said flat out that the center teaches great wrestlers how to be WWE Superstars. Training not just in ring, but fan interactions, promos, living in the spotlight, etc.

Austin told HHH that he loves NXT, it's a flashy show with wrestling. Austin said he loves the wrestling. Austin asked HHH how he modeled NXT. HHH says he knows the NXT audience, and who it is geared for. He said NXT is geared for the hardcore fans. He said NXT was less pressure, looser and more fun. It provides a great experience for talent to learn and prepare for WWE, specifically mentioning working for TV, entrances, etc.

Austin asked if NXT is still developmental. HHH said yes, because the goal is to develop for WWE. It is still, however, a new alternative brand. His goal is to get NXT on the road.

HHH brought up Finn Bálor, as Fergal Devitt, as a guy who was somewhat overwhelmed with the WWE style, specifically working on his elaborate entrance.

Austin brought up HHH's evolution, how he took time to come into his own. NXT is similar. Hunter says the talent is massively involved with their own development. Not just wrestlers, he's training people for all facets of the business.

Twitter Question: Is there someone who could be the next John Cena or Hulk Hogan? HHH went through a long answer, saying that there isn't just one thing that will make a guy the next big thing. He didn't really give a name for an answer. He said there is only so far a talent can be lead, they have to make their own way. He brought up Undertaker, how Taker had the concept but Taker made it his own. The Undertaker character would have died on anyone else.

Austin went into the brass ring, asking HHH if they're handing the brass ring to Roman. HHH says everyone in WWE works hard, including Roman. Anything he is given was earned. Nice guy and working hard is part of it, but not what it is all about.

Austin brought up working HHH in Germany with Chyna on the tour, when a fan ran in and HHH had to eliminate him. Completely of course form what they were just discussing. He used that to segue into Chyna going into the Hall of Fame. HHH says he's asked that a lot, and she deserves to go in. It's not that easy, though, as there is a flip side to the coin. He said that kids look at the Hall of Fame, and want to find out more of those who go in. He inferred that Chyna won't go in because of her porn past, and not looking good for WWE TV. Forgetting that Mike Tyson and Jimmy Snuka are in the Hall.

That led HHH in to getting Bruno into the Hall, and being proud of that fact. HHH mentioned Bruno's trepidation for returning to WWE TV, but in the end he made it work. Speaking of Hall of Fame, HHH brought up working Ultimate Warrior at his first WrestleMania. He had problems with Warrior, but it was an awesome experience still.

In another hard turn, Austin asked if the nWo was more influential than DX. HHH said nWo was massively influential at first, but it faded quickly. Over time, DX was more influential, he claims.

Sharp turns all over the place, Austin asked HHH if there was any one guy he could work. HHH answered Buddy Rogers.

Steve Austin used that easy question to sucker HHH into a CM Punk question. HHH says he has no issues with CM Punk. He didn't know who Punk was when he got into OVW, so certainly didn't dislike him. Punk was a tough guy to get along with, as he was a "weird cat." Austin asked if Punk could come back. HHH said never say never, but inferred it was Punk's call.

Word association time!

Shawn Michaels: Great in ring performer.

Ric Flair: Greatest all around performer.

Kevin Nash: Underrated mind for the business.

Scott Hall: Learned more from than anyone, underrated.

Eddie Guerrero: Awesome, miss him. So fun.

Goldberg: Credit a lot for changing the intensity into the business.

Brock Lesnar: Freak.

Owen Hart: Nicest and one of funniest guys he knew.

Bret Hart: Unbelievable technician, can take himself too seriously.

Undertaker: Respect.

Kane: Underrated, constant, solid.

Pat Patterson: Wow. Genius.

Michael Hayes: Underrated for contributions to the business.

- Austin pushed for Hayes to be inducted in to the Hall of Fame by himself in Dallas at Mania 32.

Austin brought up the term pro wrestling. HHH says he loves wrestling. There's a difference between pro wrestler and WWE Sports Entertainer. Anyone can play football, but not everyone can be in the NFL. That's the distinction between pro wrestler, which anyone can do, and sports entertainer and WWE Superstar.

Austin closed with Brock's contract status. HHH says it is Brock's choice what he wants to do. They're talking. HHH brought up Brock possibly having unfinished business on his mind, alluding to the likelihood he goes back to MMA.

Austin tried to close podcast, but Triple H demanded ten more minutes. Austin said Kevin Dunn was in his ear to end it, but Triple H wouldn't let that happen, so they went five more minutes.

Austin asked if creative trusts the talent to come up with their own promos. HHH says that some talent work differently than others. Trust is a big part, as they have sponsors and timing and everything else that goes into TV allotment. Down in NXT, they try to let the talent come up with their own stuff, even though they don't always have winners.

Austin asked if HHH could change anything about Raw, what would it be. HHH said that he wished Raw went back to two hours. Really. Austin asked if they were married to the third hour, and said it was a call above his level. HHH said he wishes there was more time to make a slow build, but they have to keep it within the fan's attention spans.

HHH would also like the women to get more TV time, and better TV time. He called the NXT women 'inspirational.' It's difficult, though.

Austin closed by asking when HHH would be back in the ring. HHH said they'd see him, it's coming, but didn't want to give anything away.



Molto dirigente anche se vorrebbe dire:"Non è colpa mia di sta m***a ma di Vince"


Appoggio in pieno l'idea di raw di due ore.

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Joined: 16-Nov-2006
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Intanto la WWE ha assunto quello che montava Uno Mattina

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Joined: 14-Jun-2008
15690 messaggi

reigns bryan mossa fatta per dare ai fan l'idea di essere veramente rilevanti nelle scelte della wwe (come ha detto sornionamente il triplo da austin) ma che finirà per fare ancora più casino perchè tanto alla fine dei conti vince deciderà di procedere con reigns e la gente sarà furiosa oltremodo

cosa cavolo aspettano a far tornare RKO

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Joined: 29-Oct-2007
3294 messaggi

reigns bryan mossa fatta per dare ai fan l'idea di essere veramente rilevanti nelle scelte della wwe (come ha detto sornionamente il triplo da austin) ma che finirà per fare ancora più casino perchè tanto alla fine dei conti vince deciderà di procedere con reigns e la gente sarà furiosa oltremodo

cosa cavolo aspettano a far tornare RKO

cambierebbe qualcosa con lui????

Mi chiedo a che e' servita la Rumble, se poi devi cercare di dare credibilita' a uno con queste scelte.

Con un booking appena logico, e' la Rumble stessa che da credibilita'.


2 Rumble buttate al cesso. Rimpiango un ME con Cena.....  .oddio  .oddio

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Joined: 15-Feb-2008
22489 messaggi

Fagli fare la rumble dello scorso anno a Reigns,arrivano alla fine con Bryan che magari viene eliminato per interferenza.


Nessuno si incazza con Reigns e heat se la prende tutto chi elimina Bryan.


Poi vedendo la puntata potrebbero anche turnare Reigns.

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Joined: 15-Feb-2008
22489 messaggi

Sui social sta girando una foto con uno incappucciato in prima fila .asd


Mi sa che torna Orton mh


Come non detto .asd

Quel uomo incappucciato è Boogeyman.Lui ha stesso ha confermato su twitter.Non ha spiegato il motivo.

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Joined: 31-Jan-2008
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Quel uomo incappucciato è Boogeyman.Lui ha stesso ha confermato su twitter.Non ha spiegato il motivo.

Ah ok .asd

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Bel match tra Rollins e Bryan.


Quasi quasi spero di vedere Bryan vs Ziggler a WM e di vedere Reigns sdrumato da Rollins nel ME.


Comunque scopro solo ora dei podcast di tuttowrestling. Noel tu li segui? Come sono?


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Joined: 15-Feb-2008
22489 messaggi

Bel match tra Rollins e Bryan.


Quasi quasi spero di vedere Bryan vs Ziggler a WM e di vedere Reigns sdrumato da Rollins nel ME.


Comunque scopro solo ora dei podcast di tuttowrestling. Noel tu li segui? Come sono?


Ottimi :sisi:

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Joined: 14-Jun-2008
15690 messaggi

cambierebbe qualcosa con lui????

Mi chiedo a che e' servita la Rumble, se poi devi cercare di dare credibilita' a uno con queste scelte.

Con un booking appena logico, e' la Rumble stessa che da credibilita'.


2 Rumble buttate al cesso. Rimpiango un ME con Cena.....  .oddio  .oddio


no, era un pensiero al volo .asd sul resto son d'accordo.

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