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Questa sentenza è dedicata a chi credeva che calcio europeo = UEFA.
Esatto. Il bello è che insiste, secondo me non ha capito esattamente di che si sta parlando
non e' uscita da niente.
Declaración institucional del presidente Florentino Pérez NOTICIA.21/12/2023 Desde el Real Madrid acogemos con enorme satisfacción la decisión que ha adoptado el Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea, que es el encargado de garantizar nuestros principios, valores y libertades. En los próximos días estudiaremos con detenimiento el alcance de esta resolución, pero sí les anticipo dos conclusiones de gran trascendencia histórica. En primer lugar, que el fútbol europeo de clubes no es ni será nunca más un monopolio. Y en segundo lugar, que desde hoy los clubes serán los dueños de su destino. Los clubes vemos plenamente reconocido nuestro derecho a proponer e impulsar las competiciones europeas que modernicen nuestro deporte y atraigan a los aficionados de todo el mundo. En definitiva, hoy ha vuelto a triunfar la Europa de las libertades y hoy también han triunfado el fútbol y sus aficionados. Frente a las presiones que hemos recibido durante más de dos años, se imponen hoy el derecho, la razón y la libertad. Y por ello, el Real Madrid seguirá trabajando por el bien del fútbol. Igual que hace casi setenta años dimos un paso fundamental en la historia del fútbol con la creación de la Copa de Europa, hoy nuevamente tenemos el deber y la responsabilidad de dar al fútbol europeo el nuevo impulso que tanto necesita. Y para ello, seguiremos defendiendo un proyecto moderno, plenamente compatible con las competiciones nacionales, abierto a todos, basado en el mérito deportivo y que impondrá de forma efectiva el respeto al fair play financiero. Un proyecto que traerá sostenibilidad económica para todos los clubes y que por encima de todo protegerá a los jugadores y entusiasmará a los aficionados de todo el mundo. Lo haremos pese a las campañas que hemos sufrido y que, sin duda, se intensificarán desde el día de hoy. Pero nadie dijo que poner fin a un monopolio después de tantas décadas fuera sencillo. Estamos ante la gran oportunidad de mejorar el fútbol europeo de clubes. Un fútbol a la altura del siglo XXI, con una gobernanza transparente, que sepa convivir con las nuevas tecnologías y que vuelva a provocar la pasión y la emoción que realmente necesitan los aficionados. Permítanme que diga a los clubes europeos que estamos ante el comienzo de un nuevo tiempo en el que podemos trabajar en libertad desde el diálogo constructivo, sin amenazas, sin actuar contra nada ni contra nadie y con el objetivo de innovar y modernizar el fútbol para seguir alimentando la pasión de los aficionados. Desde hoy, el presente y el futuro del fútbol europeo están por fin en manos de los clubes, de los jugadores y de sus aficionados. Nuestro destino nos pertenece y tenemos ante nosotros una gran responsabilidad. Este día marcará un antes y un después. Es un gran día para la historia del fútbol y para la historia del deporte.
Inaspettata? L'abuso di posizione dominante era PALESE.
ha vinto la mafia
credo che abbia vinto la mafia
https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/jcms/p1_1477137/ streaming
aderire a che dice che erano usciti tutti dice che era morta
Request for a preliminary ruling from the Juzgado de lo Mercantil n.o 17 de Madrid (Spain) lodged on 27 May 2021 — European Super League Company, S.L. v Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) and Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) (Case C-333/21) (2021/C 382/14) Language of the case: Spanish Referring court Juzgado de lo Mercantil n.o 17 de Madrid C 382/10 EN Official Journal of the European Union 20.9.2021Parties to the main proceedings Applicant: European Super League Company, S.L. Defendants: Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) and Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) Questions referred 1. Must Article 102 TFEU be interpreted as meaning that that article prohibits the abuse of a dominant position consisting of the stipulation by FIFA and UEFA in their statutes (in particular, Articles 22 and 71 to 73 of the FIFA Statutes, Articles 49 and 51 of the UEFA Statutes, and any similar article contained in the statutes of the member associations and national leagues) that the prior approval of those entities, which have conferred on themselves the exclusive power to organise or give permission for international club competitions in Europe, is required in order for a third-party entity to set up a new pan-European club competition like the Super League, in particular where no regulated procedure, based on objective, transparent and non-discriminatory criteria, exists, and taking into account the possible conflict of interests affecting FIFA and UEFA? 2. Must Article 101 TFEU be interpreted as meaning that that article prohibits FIFA and UEFA from requiring in their statutes (in particular, Articles 22 and 71 to 73 of the FIFA Statutes, Articles 49 and 51 of the UEFA Statutes, and any similar article contained in the statutes of the member associations and national leagues) the prior approval of those entities, which have conferred on themselves the exclusive power to organise or give permission for international competitions in Europe, in order for a third-party entity to create a new pan-European club competition like the Super League, in particular where no regulated procedure, based on objective, transparent and non-discriminatory criteria, exists, and taking into account the possible conflict of interests affecting FIFA and UEFA? 3. Must Articles 101 and/or 102 be interpreted as meaning that those articles prohibit conduct by FIFA, UEFA, their member associations and/or national leagues which consists of the threat to adopt sanctions against clubs participating in the Super League and/or their players, owing to the deterrent effect that those sanctions may create? If sanctions are adopted involving exclusion from competitions or a ban on [OR 30] participating in national team matches, would those sanctions, if they were not based on objective, transparent and objective criteria, constitute an infringement of Articles 101 and/ or 102 of the TFEU? 4. Must Articles 101 and/or 102 TFEU be interpreted as meaning that the provisions of Articles 67 and 68 of the FIFA Statutes are incompatible with those articles in so far as they identify UEFA and its national member associations as ‘original owners of all of the rights emanating from competitions … coming under their respective jurisdiction’, thereby depriving participating clubs and any organiser of an alternative competition of the original ownership of those rights and arrogating to themselves sole responsibility for the marketing of those rights? 5. If FIFA and UEFA, as entities which have conferred on themselves the exclusive power to organise and give permission for international club football competitions in Europe, were to prohibit or prevent the development of the Super League on the basis of the abovementioned provisions of their statutes, would Article 101 TFEU have to be interpreted as meaning that those restrictions on competition qualify for the exception laid down therein, regard being had to the fact that production is substantially limited, the appearance on the market of products other than those offered by FIFA/UEFA is impeded, and innovation is restricted, since other formats and types are precluded, thereby eliminating potential competition on the market and limiting consumer choice? Would that restriction be covered by an objective justification which would permit the view that there is no abuse of a dominant position for the purposes of Article 102 TFEU? 6. Must Articles 45, 49, 56 and/or 63 TFEU be interpreted as meaning that, by requiring the prior approval of FIFA and UEFA for the establishment, by an economic operator of a Member State, of a pan-European club competition like the Super League, a provision of the kind contained in the statutes of FIFA and UEFA (in particular, Articles 22 and 71 to 73 of the FIFA Statutes, Articles 49 and 51 of the UEFA Statutes, and any other similar article contained in the statutes of national member associations [and] national leagues) constitutes a restriction contrary to one or more of the fundamental freedoms recognised in those articles?
un grande No Mi Esalta.
Massimiliano Allegri
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[ E. B. A. T. ] Essere Bianconeri a Torino III
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"Ma non c'era nessuno in giro" cit
ULTIM'ORA ‼️ 🚨❗️Sette mesi di squalifica per Nicolò Fagioli. [Sky Sport]