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Tutti i contenuti di dzukis87

  1. Well, I plan to come in spring and catch some weekend game, March most likely. Anyway, thank you for that site where I can buy tickets!
  2. Hello Juve fans, I live in small town on East Serbia and Im big fan of Juventus. I would like to drive 1450km, spend few days into Torino, visit museum and watch one Serie A game next spring, singing songs with fans I would like to ask is it hard to find tickets on day match or few days before when I arrive or I need to reserve 2 tickets much earlier. Is there a common ticket for museum and match or this is going separately? Im writing a bit early but this is big achievement for me personaly and want to have great time in Torino with my Juve. Thank you very much for your answers!!!! Forza Juve!!!!!!!!!!!
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