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Tifoso Juventus
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Tutti i contenuti di Elettra

  1. :sventola: :sventola: :sventola: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' :sventola: :sventola: :sventola:
  2. Anzi! Hanno dei prezzi molto migliori dello Juve store, dove, se non sbaglio, una maglia costa fino a 120 euro! Ma che siamo un pelino OT?
  3. Io mi potrei permettere solo questa che non e' male per niente:
  4. Congrats for winning! And for this too
  5. Pero'.... Ecco... Mi dispiace per i cani (ne ho 6) Si potrebbe fare Ratti Interrati?
  6. A smelly stupid supporter of another Italian team I bet. Smelly being the keyword here
  7. If I can give my one cent (the crisis makes itself felt even in rhetorical speech nowadays) I think you should consider it as risky as any other person who goes to the stadium in Italy. There are idiots here who think it's fun/cool to fight. Juventus, Milan, Naples are just the excuse. All in all I don't think there is a particular reason why you guys should feel particularly concerned, if push comes to shove we could organize our fans to mingle with you, sometimes it might feel differently but the idiots are far less than the intelligent people, they just make more noise. Real Juve fans love your team and would never harm an Englishman just because some idiotic Liverpool fans 26 years ago acted like animals.
  8. Subtitled in English, to know more about what the inter dogs and Italian Federation did to us in 2006
  9. mi perdero' la partita e pure la sbronza. Ingiusto.
  10. I had a wheelbarrow, the wheel fell off I had a wheelbarrow, the wheel fell off .rulez County! .rulez County!
  11. Hi, we are very happy that you'll be celebrating with us our new stadium, the first privately owned in Italy. Many of us have been hoping that we would start with your team, to which we always had a special connection. Just so that you know: Inter (the second team of Milan) has avoided huge problems with the law in the Italian sport federation (and it'll pay in the regular court of law soon), because the Federation's DA declared the case was dismissed as too long a time had passed since the time the irregularities took place. It would be wonderful if our brothers in colours also referred to those pieces of human waste as: Inter Dismissed. I am not sure that is the right word for it though... Anyway welcome we are delighted to have you with us in such a wonderful occasion!
  12. Speriamo che sia la febbre, ma con tutte 'ste schede mi si incrociano i neuroni. Io sono ignorante per tutto quel che riguarda la faccenda delle schede Svizzere che non ho mai capito. Magari un'anima pia prima o poi mi spieghera' come son saltate fuori. Io credevo di aver capito che non fosse stato provato le avesse prese Moggi da dare a designator arbitrali etc ma che fosse un (non provato) teorema accusatorio.
  13. Io in Texas c'ho vissuto 10 anni, credimi anche tu sulla parola: hanno un sistema legale da far rabbrividire. Poi che ci siano anche i casi opposti non ne dubito, ma essendo cariche elettive, il sistema legale USAdiano in generale fa letteralmente SCHIFO. aver preso l'influenza a Luglio ha come lato positivo rimanere a casa per l'ultima udienza prima del break estivo
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