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Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
a sakon, non fa scherzi -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
non mi si apre il link -
Essere Bianconeri a Torino
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di LeRoi in L'Archivio Di Tifosibianconeri.com
Cairo: «Kabasele? Anche United e Chelsea su di lui» Il presidente del Torino: «È un grande talento. Siamo molto soddisfatti del mercato» MILANO - Urbano Cairo ha commentato le ultime ore di mercato ai microfoni di Sky Sport: «Siamo molto soddisfatti. Menga? È un esterno che può fare anche la seconda punta. Ha grande forza fisica e, nonostante sia giovane, ha giocato nella massime categoria. Lo stiamo allenando per renderlo compatibile con il nostro modo di giocare, il mister mi ha dato risposte positive. Kabasele? È un talento assoluto, lo cercavano Manchester United e Chelsea, lo abbiamo preso in prestito con diritto di riscatto e conto di poterlo riscattare a fine stagione.Coppola ritorna da noi come secondo portiere. Bianchi? È rimasto e quindi è un nostro giocatore fino altermine della srtagione. Abbiamo tempo per fare ragionamenti insieme in questo tempo -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
8,5mln o raptus o l'hanno fatto ubriacare forte almeno sto nacho vidal? -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
wenger lo sta portando da noi chi cazz'è? -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
si ma ha preso sigurdson, dembele, vertonghen, ecc.mica sono infiniti i 30 di modric poi spendono molto a ogni sessione, mica solo ora -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
nacho monreal 8,5mln -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
damiao agli spurs, 18mln£ io ve lo richiedo, magari stavolta rispondete.... il tottenham da dove prende tutti sti soldi? -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
se solo non si fosse infortunato... -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
speriamo di no! più in basso di anelka non so chi ci sia, ho paura! -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
te lo chiederei, ma tanto non arriva nessuno -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
walcott ancora una volta decisivo, poi dopo la firma del rinnovo ancora più stima per lui se possibile. -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
Bergkamp set for Arsenal return: Dutch legend in line to replace Brady next year By SAMI MOKBEL PUBLISHED: 22:42 GMT, 30 January 2013 | UPDATED: 22:57 GMT, 30 January 2013 Comments (28) Share Dennis Bergkamp is in line for an emotional return to Arsenal as Liam Brady's replacement. The Gunners announced Brady will be leaving his role as the club's head of youth development in May 2014. Glory days: Dennis Bergkamp (second left) could be heading back to Arsenal And Bergkamp has emerged as a leading early contender to replace the 54-year-old when he calls it a day. The Dutch legend, who scored 88 goals for the club, is firmly in the thoughts of Arsenal chiefs as they start their search to for Brady's replacement. Big hit: Bergkamp has been a success at Ajax as assistant to Frank de Boer The north London club are looking for a high-calibre candidate to step into the Irishman's shoes and Bergkamp's credentials ensures he is leading contender. Bergkamp impressed during his coaching stint within Ajax's famed academy, which led to the Dutch giants appointing him as manager Frank de Boer's assistant in 2011. Talent spotter: Brady has been pivotal in the success of Arsenal's academy Brady helped nurture talents such as Ashley Cole, Cesc Fabregas, Kieran Gibbs and Jack Wilshere during his stint in charge of the club's academy. Arsenal chief executive Ivan Gazidis added: 'Liam has a deep understanding of what it takes to discover and develop a talented youngster into someone who can perform at the highest level. 'He has made a massive contribution to Arsenal Football Club. It will be difficult to find a worthy successor but we will be looking for someone who can build on what Liam and his team have created.' -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
no non è una bella idea per niente, perchè i peluso non li voglio era per rispondere al tuo, li ha voluti conte certo, ma conte non è il DG, lui parla, chi compra poi sei tu, DG eh...lucianone ti sarebbe spuntato con la sorpresa invece qui meglio rimanere ocme si è, perchè la sorpresa meglio non vederla -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
han fatto bene, io sarei passato subito all'azione...quanto al resto, padoin e peluso sono suoi, come giovinco e de ceglie ma il dg ha il compito del mercato, spetta a lui dire si e no, se dice sempre si, si faccia da parte e facciamo conte manager... -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
eh no ragazzi, mi spiace ma non è così... ANTONIO CONTE sta facendo miracoli, a ogni partita e allenamento da più di un anno ormai questa squadra senza CONTE, voluto da AA perchè lui avrebbe riconfermato asterix, non avrebbe vinto il campionato, figuriamoci imbattibilità, gioco spettacolare ecc. una cosa sono i risultati che ottiene CONTE sul campo, un altro la gestione di marotta perchè allora golden, hanno ragione quelli che difendono ferguson su tutto, chi se ne frega di bebè a 15 quando tanto vinci comunque... qui si hanno pochi soldi, e un reparto ben preciso da migliorare, se possiblie lo si è peggiorato dall'anno scorso -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
ho sentito dell'ennesimo fatto anti-wenger, ma non so niente della rissa...che hanno fatto? -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
Jan 29, 22 hours ago Who Is Alisher Usmanov? Six years ago, Alisher Usmanov emerged from the world of financial investment, and laid claim to a large chunk of Arsenal Football Club. His desire to eventually own the club outright, and change Arsenal’s course in world football, has been looming ever since. “[investing in Arsenal] is dictated by my emotions for the club. Their current situation remains an interesting investment.” – Alisher Usmanov In 2007, Alisher Usmanov purchased 14.58% of all Arsenal shares from David Dein, then swiftly increased his stake to 23%. Today, Red & White Holdings (owned by Usmanov) posses 29.72% of all Arsenal shares, making them the second largest shareholders after Kroenke Sports Enterprises. Alisher Usmanov’s desire to become the majority shareholder of Arsenal is no secret. Most recently in fact, he stated that he wasready to invest in more Arsenal shares, and that he was eager to use his money & business expertise to elevate Arsenal. Usmanov’s intelligently timed & carefully worded public statements have sparked large sections of the Arsenal fan base to rally behind him, for without doubt, if he were to take over, he would heavily invest in terms of transfer budgets & player wages. However, do any of us really know who Alisher Usmanov is? Understanding Usmanov Alisher Usmanov was born in 1953 in the town of Chust, Uzbekistan. He was an accomplished fencer in his youth, but was also academically gifted. In 1976 he graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations with a degree in International Law. In 1997 he graduated from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in banking. His entrepreneurial spirit was kindled in 1986, when he began his own plastic bag manufacturing company, undercutting his competitors and making a small fortune in the process. Over the years, Usmanov shifted from one industry to the next. “In 1980, Usmanov and a friend were sentenced to eight years in prison for fraud & embezzlement. He served six years.” His riches were accrued via lumber, mining, metals & investments in many industries throughout the world. He is the general director of Gazprom, and the founder of Metalloinvest. He has a stake in large internet & telecommunication companies including Facebook & MegaFon. To cut a long story short, Mr Usmanov is absolutely rolling in it. In fact, according to Forbes, as of March 2012, Mr Usmanov is currently the 28th richest man in the world – with a net worth of $18.1 Billion. However, Alisher Usmanov’s past is not entirely a money-making fairytale. In 1980, Usmanov and a friend were sentenced to eight years in prison for fraud & embezzlement. He served six years in prison, but years later, the supreme court had ruled that the case raised against him had been ‘trumped up’. In November 2012, it was reported that Alisher Usmanov had hired London-based public relations (PR) firm RLM Finsbury to edit his article on Wikipedia, removing the mention of alleged “free speech” libel claims against bloggers, and details of a Soviet-era criminal conviction (the fraud & embezzlement sentencing) that was later overturned by the Uzbekistan Supreme Court, along with a description of the disappearance of a former MegaFon shareholder So we see, Alisher Usmanov has a colourful past in regard to both financial investments, as well as legal controversies. Alisher For Arsenal? We are now entering the sixth year of Alisher Usmanov’s interest in an Arsenal take-over. Two of his most recent public statements were issued immediately after Robin Van Persie’s departure announcement, and now just days before the close of yet another stagnant Arsenal transfer window. “His public statements on the club are expertly timed to obtain the hearts of Arsenal fans as a potential ‘saviour’. His strategy seems sound, his motives on the other hand, remain obscure.” Usmanov becoming the majority shareholder undoubtedly has its benefits. An injection of copious amounts of money would certainly revive some short-term success at the very least. But we must also consider the potential negatives. Can Alisher Usmanov be trusted with complete control over the future of Arsenal Football Club? Simply baying for more money is tempting, but the club’s future must also be considered. We now know that Alisher Usmanov has a long history of successful business investments, as well as a heavy brush with the law. He admits that he sees Arsenal as a good business opportunity, yet at the same time, the oligarch speaks of the Gunners as though he were an average fan from the stands, reflecting the opinions of the majority. His public statements on the club are expertly timed, causing as much distress for the Arsenal Board as possible, and to obtain the hearts of Arsenal fans as a potential ‘saviour’. His strategy seems sound, his motives on the other hand, remain obscure. What are your thought on Alisher Usmanov’s desire to take over Arsenal? Share your views in the comments section below. -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
qualcuno deve spiegazioni...adp cacciato berbatov ti irride il 30 bendtner il 31 ANELKA PELUSO 5mln poi non sei in grado di prendere LICHA bastos allo schalke per 2 spicci, NETTAMENTE meglio di PELUSO... matri 18, DICIOTTO tutti sanno che serve un attaccante, e lui fa queste cose... ANTONIO a domanda sul mercato abbassa la testa tra vergogna/disperazione costretto a fare giornalmente MIRACOLI, senza di lui marotta era già partito, squadra che sarebbe oro colato si qualificasse in CL senza ANTONIO CONTE. -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
il benvenuto a holtby tunnel of death è innamorato di beckham, poteva venere all'arsenal? comunque gli spurs da dove prendono tutti questi soldi per il mercato? -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
??? l'aveva già preso nel 2000 e qualcosa ad allenarsi, l'anno prima del bilan -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
minuto 0.15 stesso arbitro di ieri sera http://youtu.be/0yJFkh6VSt4 RIGORE DATO -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
la cit di anelka non la trovo, l'avevano postata l'altro giorno in JF -
Premier League 2012/13: Manchester United campione
-CR7- ha risposto al topic di GoldenGol in Archivio Off Juve
mi è sempre stato sul c****, con sta faccia da...(ci siamo capiti) a domanda, conte ha abbassato gli occhi dalla vergogna, acquisto imbarazzante, ancor più comico di quello del danese bendtner è stato sfortunato, stava diventando titolare