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Tifoso Juventus
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Tutti i contenuti di ClaudioGentile

  1. Questo sta impazzendo secondo me. Ha cannato la notizia e lo sa. Ed ora sta cercando di recuperare facendo lo schizzinoso
  2. Esatto. Infatti l'ho messo in copia a BUFFONcin1
  3. Potrebbe arrivare gia' domani il giocatore secondo quest'articolo @br1BUFFONcin1 20/06/2018 - VALÈNCIA. Cita clave para desbloquear el traspaso de Joao Cancelo a la Juventus de Turín. Esta mañana Joao Camacho, hombre de confianza de Jorge Mendes en Gestifute, se ha reunido en Milán con el director general de la Juventus, Giuseppe Marotta, para pactar un nuevo acuerdo económico que solucione la salida del lateral portugués camino de la Vecchia Signora. El encuentro se ha llevado a cabo en el Hotel Palazzo Parigi, habitual cuartel general de las negociaciones que mantiene Marotta con todos los clubes que tratan con los bianconeros. Tras la reunión, las dos partes han quedado satisfechas de los acordado y el fichaje de Cancelo por la Juventus ya parece inminente, según ha podido conocer Tras la reunión de esta mañana, Joao Camacho, miembro de la agencia Gestitufe, que representa los intereses de Cancelo, y la Juve han acordado cerrar la operación en 38 millones de euros. La fórmula pactada entre las partes sería la de una cesión con obligación de compra. La Juve pagaría de forma inmediata un primer pago de 8 millones de euros y se comprometería a desembolsar el resto, es decir 30 millones, el 1 de julio de 2019. En la cumbre por Cancelo también ha participado un agente italiano que, probablemente, representaría al Valencia ya que Mateu Alemany y Pablo Longoria no han viajado a Italia en las últimas horas y, de hecho, esta mañana han estado en las oficinas del club pendientes de esta reunión y de otros asuntos. Para finiquitar la venta de Cancelo, ahora el Valencia tendrá que dar el visto bueno a todo lo acordado en Milán una vez tenga el borrador que se ha redactado en el Hotel Palazzo Parigi. Si Mateu Alemany da luz verde a lo acordado en las últimas horas, la operación se cerrará en los términos que quería el Valencia. Pese a que la Juve ha intentado desde la semana pasada incluir algún jugador a préstamo que abaratara el fichaje, la postura de Alemany siempre se ha mantenido firme. El acuerdo, inminente, alivia, además, la necesidad de hacer caja que tiene el Valencia. Así, a pesar de que el pago se hará en dos plazos, a efectos contables el club descuenta 30,5 millones -7,5 queda por amortizar de su fichaje- de la venta de Cancelo de los 45 que tiene que asumir antes del 1 de julio para zanjar su déficit presupuestario. En Italia se rumorea incluso que Joao Cancelo podría presentarse mañana mismo en Turín por sorpresa, aunque esta información no está confirmada y depende del momento en que el Valencia apruebe el acuerdo al que se ha llegado hoy.
  4. Ho trovato un articolo nel link messo da @Conor McGregor
  5. Ma non capisco. E' sicuro che abbiamo trovato l'accordo con il Valencia?
  6. @br1BUFFONcin1 Cancelo & Emre Can Allora che facciamo, li presentiamo insieme venerdi', come scrivesti tu?
  7. Ho appena letto che il Valencia avrebbe dato ordine di vendere Cancelo in Premier League Dalla Spagna - Valencia incarica Mendes di cedere in Premier Cancelo Il Valencia vuole cedere Joao Cancelo alle sue condizioni e cioè alla cifra di 40 milioni di euro, ritenuta eccessiva dalla Juventus. Ecco perché, stando a quanto afferma, la società spagnola avrebbe conferito l'incarico a Jorge Mendes - agente del terzino e potente procuratore lusitano - di trattare la cessione del ragazzo ai top club, soprattutto di Premier League.
  8. Carlo Tavecchio accusato di molestie sessuali con un telecamera nascosta dal presidente della Lazio femminile. “Io, considerata troppo vecchia per denunciare le molestie" Elisabetta Cortani, presidente della Lazio femminile, ha accusato l’ex presidente della Figc Carlo Tavecchio. La pm: una 50enne non può essere in stato di “soggezione psicologica”. E richiede l’archiviazione Colloquio Elisabetta Cortani è la donna che ha «osato» accusare di molestie Carlo Tavecchio, il potente presidente della Figc fino alle dimissioni causa fallimento «mondiale». Il suo presidente visto che dal 2006 è una delle dirigenti del calcio femminile. In mano ha quattro fogli che stringe con rabbia: sono la richiesta di archiviazione dell’indagine partita dopo la sua denuncia per le molestie ricevute da Tavecchio. Sotto la firma di un pm romano. &l... continua Italian groping case dropped because alleged victim was 'too old to be scared' Guardian obtains prosecutors’ report into harassment case against former football chief Carlo Tavecchio Italian prosecutors dropped a sexual harassment case against a former head of the country’s football federation in part because they thought the woman who made the complaint was old enough not to be intimidated, it can be revealed. A report by prosecutors in Rome, compiled earlier this year and obtained by the Guardian, said the allegations of harassment and groping against Carlo Tavecchio were likely to be accurate, but that the case was not pursued because it had been reported too late to authorities. However, the prosecutors outlined further reasons for their decision not to pursue the allegations against Tavecchio, made by Elisabetta Cortani, the president of the Lazio Women’s football club, who was 50 at the time. The report said that Cortani’s age and the fact she had dealt with Tavecchio in the past, meant she would not have been in a state of fear or subjugation. Tavecchio’s controversial tenure as head of Italy’s football federation ended in November. He resigned after the men’s national team – four-time winners of the World Cup – failed to qualify for this year’s tournament. Tavecchio had also been frequently criticised for a series of racist remarks. According to the prosecutors’ report, Cortani’s complaint, filed on 24 November 2017, was based on two incidents reported to authorities.. Tavecchio has denied that the incidents occurred. In one allegation, Cortani describes going to Tavecchio’s office in May 2015 to ask him about some sports clubs joining the football federation. According to Cortani, Tavecchio approached and began touching her breasts and said: ‘You look good! You have great tits there!’ while trying to kiss her on her lips. Cortani, the report alleged, said she was shocked by his behaviour, pretended to ignore him, and left the room. In August 2016, Cortani wore a hidden camera to a meeting with Tavecchio about a team’s application to a regional championship. According to the complaint, Tavecchio, closed the door behind him and began talking to her in a vulgar way, using an expletive to ask whether she had a lot of sex. He tried to push her on the couch and began kissing her, Cortani said, and began to grope her breasts; this action turned the camera off, though the audio continued. She wriggled away from him. Cortani told the Guardian: “Italian women are sometimes afraid to press charges, but I want tell all the women out there in Italy that it is always worth it. No matter if you are believed or not, we need to to demand respect. We need to fight! I hadn’t spoken until now because I believe in justice….Maybe I am old for them, and I could have defended myself. But I can assure that I felt in a position of inferiority, I felt afraid. Because being in that room meant being in the heart of Italian football. And in that room inferiority and fear have no age.” Her lawyer, Domenico Mariani, said he would file an objection to the prosecutor’s request to dismiss the complaint. “Too many things are not clear in the result of their investigation,’’ he said. Vittoria Pisa, Tavecchio’s lawyer, said Tavecchio knew about the prosecutor’s motion to dismiss the complaint and had always denied the accusations. In 2014, Tavecchio was suspended for six months by Uefa for a racist comment made during his election campaign; the comment referred to bananas when discussing the presence of foreign players in Italy. In 2017, Tavecchio floated the idea that football stadiums could be used as lap dancing venues.
  9. Perche' il televideo di mediaset non pubblica questa notiza invece? Dirigente di una squadra di calcio femminile, ha accusato l’ex presidente della Figc Carlo Tavecchio. La pm: una 50enne non può essere in stato di “soggezione psicologica”. E richiede l’archiviazione Elisabetta Cortani è la donna che ha «osato» accusare di molestie Carlo Tavecchio, il potente presidente della Figc fino alle dimissioni causa fallimento «mondiale». Il suo presidente visto che dal 2006 è una delle dirigenti del calcio femminile. In mano ha quattro fogli che stringe con rabbia: sono la richiesta di archiviazione dell’indagine partita dopo la sua denuncia per le molestie ricevute da Tavecchio. Sotto la firma di un pm romano. &l... continua Italian groping case dropped because alleged victim was 'too old to be scared' Guardian obtains prosecutors’ report into harassment case against former football chief Carlo Tavecchio Italian prosecutors dropped a sexual harassment case against a former head of the country’s football federation in part because they thought the woman who made the complaint was old enough not to be intimidated, it can be revealed. A report by prosecutors in Rome, compiled earlier this year and obtained by the Guardian, said the allegations of harassment and groping against Carlo Tavecchio were likely to be accurate, but that the case was not pursued because it had been reported too late to authorities. However, the prosecutors outlined further reasons for their decision not to pursue the allegations against Tavecchio, made by Elisabetta Cortani, the president of the Lazio Women’s football club, who was 50 at the time. The report said that Cortani’s age and the fact she had dealt with Tavecchio in the past, meant she would not have been in a state of fear or subjugation. Tavecchio’s controversial tenure as head of Italy’s football federation ended in November. He resigned after the men’s national team – four-time winners of the World Cup – failed to qualify for this year’s tournament. Tavecchio had also been frequently criticised for a series of racist remarks. According to the prosecutors’ report, Cortani’s complaint, filed on 24 November 2017, was based on two incidents reported to authorities.. Tavecchio has denied that the incidents occurred. In one allegation, Cortani describes going to Tavecchio’s office in May 2015 to ask him about some sports clubs joining the football federation. According to Cortani, Tavecchio approached and began touching her breasts and said: ‘You look good! You have great tits there!’ while trying to kiss her on her lips. Cortani, the report alleged, said she was shocked by his behaviour, pretended to ignore him, and left the room. In August 2016, Cortani wore a hidden camera to a meeting with Tavecchio about a team’s application to a regional championship. According to the complaint, Tavecchio, closed the door behind him and began talking to her in a vulgar way, using an expletive to ask whether she had a lot of sex. He tried to push her on the couch and began kissing her, Cortani said, and began to grope her breasts; this action turned the camera off, though the audio continued. She wriggled away from him. Cortani told the Guardian: “Italian women are sometimes afraid to press charges, but I want tell all the women out there in Italy that it is always worth it. No matter if you are believed or not, we need to to demand respect. We need to fight! I hadn’t spoken until now because I believe in justice….Maybe I am old for them, and I could have defended myself. But I can assure that I felt in a position of inferiority, I felt afraid. Because being in that room meant being in the heart of Italian football. And in that room inferiority and fear have no age.” Her lawyer, Domenico Mariani, said he would file an objection to the prosecutor’s request to dismiss the complaint. “Too many things are not clear in the result of their investigation,’’ he said. Vittoria Pisa, Tavecchio’s lawyer, said Tavecchio knew about the prosecutor’s motion to dismiss the complaint and had always denied the accusations. In 2014, Tavecchio was suspended for six months by Uefa for a racist comment made during his election campaign; the comment referred to bananas when discussing the presence of foreign players in Italy. In 2017, Tavecchio floated the idea that football stadiums could be used as lap dancing venues.
  10. Il sogno di ogni pm appassionato di calcio di condurre un'indagine usando l'Almanacco Panini. Scherzare con la vita della gente e delle societa' di calcio "sfiziandosi" con l'almanacco Panini
  11. Si. Ho appena visto che sono arrivati 17imi
  12. Superdeporte - L'ultima richiesta del Valencia per Cancelo Secondo Superdeporte, la Juve ha il sì di Joao Cancelo e del suo entourage, capitanato da Jorge Mendes. Manca, però, l'ok del Valencia, che avrebbe fatto la sua ultima richiesta: niente contropartite, solo cash. Gli spagnoli hanno bisogno di liquidità per poter rientrare nei parametri del FFP, da qui il no a soluzioni alternative alla cessione a titolo definitivo con pagamento solo cash. Per adesso la richiesta resta di 40 milioni di euro, la Juve spera, con pazienza, di farla calare.
  13. Tra quante ore uscira' fuori che Malago' e tutti i politici coinvolti saranno tutti pare lesa? I veri poteri forti gia' stanno all'opera per far si che questo accada. Ci fosse stato coinvolto qualcuno della Juve o famiglia Agnelli, i massmedia ne avrebbero parlato ininterrottamente per giorni chiedendo ai vari esperti (di stoca..) quanto rischierebbe questa persona se i giudici lo dovessero trovare colpevole
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