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  1. Here are the results of the Calciopoli Survey, apparently not a lot were interested, Did you follow calciopoli? Day by day. 14 51.85% Whenever i had the chance. 7 25.93% Whenever i remembered. 0 0.00% Just when there was something in the news. 3 11.11% Occasionaly. 2 7.41% No, they just told me one day that Juventus is playing in Serie B. 1 3.70% Do you believe that calciopoli was a set up to bring juventus down? Yes 23 85.19% No 3 11.11% Maybe 1 3.70% I don't know 0 0.00% Do you believe that Inter deserved the 2005/2006 Scudetto? Yes, Inter deserved the Scudetto of 2005/2006 2 7.41% Yes, Inter deserved the Scudetto of 2005/2006, and also they should have gave Inter another Scudetto 0 0.00% No, Juventus won that Scudetto in the field 19 70.37% No, if Juventus cheated, why should Inter get the Scudetto? 6 22.22% Luciano Moggi is: The best manager in the past years in Serie A. 16 59.26% A thief that brought Juventus down. 0 0.00% Was a dirty manager, and they collect enough evidences to sack him. 3 11.11% Didn't do anything unusual, but they collected evidences to get rid of him. 8 29.63% Juventus regelation to Serie B was: Totally deserved, they fixed games. 3 11.11% A bit harsh, they could have treated them like AC Milan, and keep them in Serie A with penalties. 3 11.11% Totally unfair, if Moggi was mistaken, why should they judge Juventus? 4 14.81% Totally unaifr, neither Moggi or Juventus were mistaken, this whole thing is a play. 17 62.96% Do you believe Inter had anything to do with Calciopoli? No, Inter is the most decent club in italy. 1 3.70% No, why would they? 0 0.00% Maybe 3 11.11% Yes, Inter sure helped, cause they were the only club who benifited from Calciopoli. 9 33.33% Of course, the whole calciopoli was made by Inter. 14 51.85% Do you believe the connections between Massimo Moratti and TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile) had anything to do with Calciopoli? No, Moratti is a good man. 0 0.00% I don't think so 2 7.41% Yes, he probably helped. 4 14.81% Of course, TIM provided Moratti with the calls which they built the case on. 21 77.78% Do you believe Juventus fixed games? Yes 2 7.41% Maybe 1 3.70% Maybe some games, but still they had a great team, the could have won without fixing. 7 25.93% No, juventus won his games cause of the great players and didn't need to fix any games. 17 62.96% Do you believe calciopoli was fair? Yes, totally fair. 0 0.00% Yes, to some point. 4 14.81% No, they never had an evidence against Juventus. 14 51.85% Who cares about calciopoli, it's all a set up. 9 33.33% Now, you think Juventus is: The biggest & best club in Italy. 21 77.78% Just another big club in Italy but not special. 6 22.22% Not even a big club, just like any other club. 0 0.00% They are cheaters, who cares about them. 0 0.00% Which club do you support? Juventus 23 85.19% Intermilan 1 3.70% AC Milan 1 3.70% Other 2 7.41%
  2. Guys i made a survey about Calciopoli, hope you would take it.. and let's see what everyone is thinking... Click Here
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