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Tifoso Juventus
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Tutti i contenuti di fighter1897

  1. heyyy.... any more news my man? over here we dont here shit.. peace
  2. Any more news on farsopoli? Its been a while since I last read any news. GSOL, tell me what the deal is. nice one geeza.
  3. SORRY! I didnt think it was the most obvious of things really.
  4. If this aint enough to take the scumbag down and redeem our 2 titles, I dont know what is!!
  5. Wow. thats some mad news.. I always thought something wasnt right with gigli. Pulling an inside job or something. Wasting the money, not fighting for what is right. This money hungry managment of juve is starting to piss me off. Its plain evident. And now you see Moggis name in the papers more and more often moaning about the managment aswell.. Put 2 and 2 together. He only wants whats best for Juve. Im pretty sure he knows something dodgy is going on.. Not much he can do.. Cant beleive a mass boycott... thats crazy.. what needs to be done needs to be done I guess. Do you recomend not travelling to italy from england for the napoli game then? At least then i can cancell my flights. let us know chief.. Nice one Nice letter anyway GSOL, dya think it will work?
  6. Gsol, how are you doin? my dad is probably the biggest juve fan there is and id say he knows everything there is to know. my cousin who lives in canosa is also a massive juve fan. when we were over there at xmas we were discussing the current situation, they seem to believe that the truth will NEVER be revealed in italy. what makes you so confident that it will ? frankly im kinda on thier side. cus theyre just too powerfull. also, you talk sense about moggi but you cant say hes 100% innocent.
  7. heyyy.. posso chiederre una domanada? why are you getting together all the sponsor websites? im just curious.. grazie Edoardo
  8. hahaha, how interesting! I wonder why he has denied this.. Is it because of those arrests made the other day? maybe he has done it because he knows that in the long run he will end up looking like a fool as he can see this is coming to an end.. (i hope) (sorry if i seem too excited over this/nothing, my father thinks moratti and inter are too powerfull and will always find a way out!!) :rosicone: :rosicone: And mancini is going, (mourinho has been interviewed anyway...) why do you think this is? he has not lost a game, but does not look after his players very well! I remember once moggi saying that he (moggi) would be "the one answering all the questions" previous to the calciopoli scam... how would mancini know this?? maybe this is why? your thoughts please?.. nice one Edoardo
  9. i dont know if you noticed but 3 of those articles have been deleted already? thats pretty strange if u ask me.. also pretty dodgy by the looks of things... i hope this doesnt mean what i think it means...
  10. GSOL YOUrE A BAD MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WWWWWOOOOOOOOPPOOOOo WWWOWOOOOOOPO WWWOOOOOPP!!!!!!!!! That news is what ive been waiting for since it happened, started going mental jumpin round the room when i read it! to be honest im having slight trouble understanding it. I speak italian but not fluently, and you know what italian news papers are like... guess im gonna have to suffer a little... where do you get all this inside info from? i asked your position, meanin job/profession(hope im not being nosey).. Im quite aware we were set up (not to sound cocky or anythin).. also read that article you wrote about the sim cards... How can they fabricate such lies?? WHAT A JOKE!!! I found a shocking article actually: Its probably nothing you havent read but its just proof that this shit is still being spread for no reason, making juventus' name even worse Anyway,I hope this is the start of things to come, Its time the truth came out and the people stop being fed lies!!!. people everwhere really beleive that juventus are the cheats!! I have countless arguments with people trying to tell them whos right.. I guess soon theyll see!! Oh yeah, I promoted that article on like a bitch, you should be glad!! hehe
  11. thanks hope all is well... any more news on this sh*tter of a subject? are they still busting moggi's balls over them swiss sim cards? peace
  12. hi gsol. hows it goin? i have read this whole post and am very intrigued as to what your position is exactly. youre a very knowledgable and i have learnt a bit from this whole post. im quite impressed with your knowledge of our beloved JUVENTUS, and am afraid it had to finish.... well ..... im afraid it had to start really but you know what i mean. Its good to see people really trying to do something for the cause! I keep thinking that there is no use in all this research and everything else, I have these thoughts that moratti and co are just too powerfull and rich to ever fall now that they have controll but i suppose if we dont try well never find out. Ihave faith that good will reign over evil and inter and milan will come crashing down and be found out, Juve will once again be Victorious, Fingers Crossed!! oh and everyone else take it easy too.. if theres anythin i can do to help just give us a shout.... this is my first post btw.. FORZA JUVE!!!! INTER LADRI!!
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