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Tifoso Juventus
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  1. Oh comunque sulla sinistra hanno tolto parecchio di quella sabbia...
  2. OT sta mattina prima di andare al lavoro il facebook della Juve aveva 320 000 fans, ora 1 120 000 Chiss
  3. Do you know why the game of today wasn't with more former Manchester Uinetd's players ? (smeichel, irwin, cole, yorke etc etc) and the same for Juventus? (zidane, davids)? It would have been a lot more better i think...
  4. Thank you for your support!! I hope you're aware of the luck you have to have won the league and to be about to play a final of champions league!!! I hope that Juventus's managers will call Manchester for the inauguration of our new stadium!! Good luck for saturday! PS : Would you sell us vidic? he's not as good as he seems, listen to me...
  5. Speriamo di gustarci tante vendette in questo stadio @@
  6. pirlo sulle montagne russe benvenuto!!
  7. Sembra abbiano messo una fila di supporti per l'alucobond sulla destra... Pare anche che stiano cominciando a lavorare sul piazzale d'erba anche...
  8. meglio pazienza in panchina che sissoko sempre rotto...
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